Now That’s Classy!

Found via Craig at MTPolitics

Diners don’t chicken out at PETA’s clucking

A human inside an injured chicken costume, hobbling in protest on the sidewalk Wednesday in front of a Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurant, didn’t achieve the desired effect, according to many who dined there.

Brad Steig called Wednesday’s protest in Grand Junction by the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals good advertising for KFC.

The protest consisted of four adults and one child holding signs in front of the restaurant, handing out fliers and DVDs and urging people to not eat at KFC until the restaurant buys chickens from humane vendors.

Steig, a manager for Halliburton, said he heard about the PETA protest on the radio and decided right then to eat at KFC on Wednesday, the day of the protest.

Not only that, but he bought seven of the biggest buckets of chicken and all the side dishes and used four trips to load them into his Halliburton pickup to treat his co-workers.

“I detest that organization,” Steig said, adding that PETA tries to harm the economy because of personal agendas.

Buys a Halliburton truckload of chicken from a KFC during a PETA protest! You gotta love that!

It’s Friday, payday, and if I didn’t already have a nice juicy steak ready for grilling and potatoes for baking, I’d be having my pre-work meal tonight at KFC.

But hey, there’s always the weekend!

I’d like to thank those who helped me out with the Tunafish Sammich question yesterday. And I must say, to you sweet pickle eatin’ mofos…you are some sick bastages. How can you eat those things? The Analog Mom worked across the street from a large pickle factory when I was a kid. I can’t even smell sweet pickles without nearly losing my appetite.

Speaking of food questions, David put up one of his own for you here late yesterday.

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One Response to Now That’s Classy!

  1. Rivrdog says:

    Different pickles for different folks.

    I prefer a Kosher-style dill pickle, myself. This type of pickle is made without the use of vinegar, but rather is pickled in the traditional method of brine only. As a result, they have to be refrigerated and have only a medium lifespan, but they are GREAT!

    I worked for Neushin Pickle Company here in OR as a youth, and they made all their pickles that way, brined in oak barrels. I learned the craft of cooperage while working there.

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