

I wish I had written that.

These were the three things that exited my mouth while reading this post from Ace

Liberals Begin Creating Shrines To Stephen Colbert

Bill Keller, editor in chief of the NYT, said he got a lot of letters from people charging the NYT with being conservative or rightwing. But at least he had the smarts and honesty to admit what that sort of letter-writing campaign was: an attempt at ideological “Mau-Mauing” by leftists who know damn well the NYT is liberal as the day is long but want it to be more liberal, or at least make no concessions whatsoever to fairness to Republicans.

The whole Kabuki theater aspect of this annoys the hell out of me. It’s a dumb-show, a pantomime played out by morons who actually think they’re fooling someone. Maybe they think of us as retarded children, delighted by the Punch and Judy act.

So, Colbert and Stewart and Alterman and the Midget Comedian Bill Maher and the rest of the leftist hacks pretend to believe the media is too rightwing, and the media pretends to believe their criticism that they’re too rightwing, and therefore decides it’s about time they stopped being so damn rightwing and started being tough on Bush, the GOP, conservatives, and religious Christians and Jews.

Take a minute and read that whole thing. If you start nodding your head about halfway down, don’t worry, it’s normal.

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