The Salt Mines

Are quite beautiful this time of year.

For those few who are keeping track, last night was my first night back at work after having last week off. Sadly, it was depressingly easy to get back into the routine.

Just about everyone dislikes going back to work after a long weekend. Even more so after a week-long vacation. But I can say with the utmost confidence, that this was the worst return to work experience I’ve ever had. This is coming from a guy who, when working for a previous employer, once got back from two weeks off to find out that the the owner of the shop was selling the place outright and would be laying us all off in two weeks.

Not to brag, but get an assload of work done in my 10 or so hours. I know this because I have to measure portions of my workload at the end of the night in order to get productivity measurements on them, and I therefore get to see exactly what I’ve accomplished. I also know this because, when I got in last night, not only had my co-workers not kept up with my workload, they hadn’t even gotten past last Tuesday’s ‘Stack fo Stuff’.

So it’ll be 12’s and 13’s for me for the rest of the week. If I just pop in a couple quickie posts, don’t go away mad.

In fact don’t go away at all. Drop me a quick link to something or other in the comments of whatever post is convenient. My $0.02 isn’t worth any more than anyone else’s, but in this instance of me not being able to get home and read up in the mornings, I’ll drop a couple of pennies onto whatever topic you want, within reason. We’ll start today with this post.

Oh, and if you didn’t stop by yesterday (shame, shame), and you are a parent of a yard-ape or two (or three or four) , stop by here and give my good man Puggs your experiences on filtering software.

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4 Responses to The Salt Mines

  1. Brenda Helverson says:

    Little men, hiding behind fake names, bravely threatening to get other men to fight their battles for them. You guys are pathetic.

  2. AnalogKid says:

    Thanks for the fresh IP addy, Brendolina.

  3. DFWMTX says:

    Appartently Brenda, like a good little representitve of the socialist worker commisar class, doesn’t understand that when you are in a position of great responsibility and you go on vacation, not one wants of your fellow workers will pick up the slack because it means more work for them. Either she’s never had a job of any great responsibility, or she’s a trust-fund baby who never has to work and therefore spends all her time online being obsessed with politics and therefore has never been forced to LOG OFF THE COMPUTER AND GET A LIFE.

    I took one day off from work recently, and it’s taken me two to catch up for because there was no one else there to do what I do. I understand how you feel, AK. But I’m sure that in your time off you squeezed in as much fun in as short of a time as you got, and I hope you enjoyed it.

    Plus you’re mature enough not to be bothered by the likes of Brenda because you know when to LOG OFF THE COMPUTER AND GET A LIFE.

  4. puggs says:

    “little men”?

    I suppose if any of us were “little” we might actually feel challenged by such a juvinille taunt. A great many commenters here like myself, are veterans, so the having others fight for you thing is rather limp.

    Missy, I’ve served my nation in a cold war, worked thirty years in a hard business, fathered two children, and had my back broken twice, I live everyday in pain,

    I’ve even buried someone who was most precious to me.

    You couldn’t begin to fathom how little I worry about having your respect. Respect is a priviledge that I grant to few people, AK is worthy of mine, as are many of our friends online. You… couldn’t understand what motivates someone like me, like AK, I know that he’s had tough life experiences as have I to teach us some painful truths. Life isn’t fair, it isn’t free, it’s the culmination of hard work and blood from those who create with toil and trauma to themselves that make a safe place in this world. It’s “rough men willing to do violence” that have given you your pampered place to judge us. So make your silly little rants, it will linger as long as it takes to write this. The things people, rough people have accomplished will echo through time long past our short lives on earth. We will have made a safe place for those who have never had one before. A legacy that I can sleep with, and my children will share in. That’s what men like us have done.

    So, missy, what will you be remembered for? Who will have been fed, defended, cared for or sheltered by what you have done?

    In the end, who will weep for you?

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