I’d rather they just change their name

In case you don’t stop by the ‘Stop the ACLU’ blog frequently, and you really should, the ACLU (insert cleverly modified moniker here) has decided that people crossing America’s souther border illegally, meaning against every immigration law on the books, are “Innocent” pawns in need of their protection.

As Congress moves forward to reform our nation’s immigration laws, the ACLU said the U.S. must reject measures that threaten to increase the bloodshed on our borders. “Innocent peoples’ lives and liberty should not be threatened by this dangerous deployment,” said ACLU Director Anthony Romero.

I agree with Mr. Romero, that innocent people’s lives will be put threatened on this deployment to the southern border; members of the National Guard will be having to live in extreme environs, inhabited by poisonous reptiles and arachnids, while trying to avoid getting shot at by smugglers of both people and narcotics as well as the possibility of some nutjob member of the Mexican armed forces decides that he doesn’t like our men and women stopping his brethren unloading on them.

But for some odd reason, I’m pretty sure those aren’t the people Romero is speaking of. Proving that he should STFU and do some reading of pertinent legal documents.

On another note, if the Mexican Army and/or the drugrunners do start firing on our Guardsmen and women, is anyone willing to take bets on how long before the American left actually come out with professionally made signs demanding we withdraw from the border (ie. “No Blood for Immigration”, etc).

Or would we rather start taking bets at how many incidents we’ll have before Bush just pulls them off ‘For Their Own Safety’?

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One Response to I’d rather they just change their name

  1. Rivrdog says:

    AK, you’re forgetting that El Presidente Bush already said that the Guard are going to support the Border Patrol, and therefor will probably NOT be in the line of fire.

    If the operation is characteristic of military actions of this size, though, there probably will be training and operational casualties not due to the Mexicans.

    I’m sure Tony Snow has already prepared some dispatches…

    BTW, thank you for your hospitality yesterday.

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