A Lack of Empathy is the Least of My Worries

Ace blogged about a Harvard study yesterday that shows liberal’s brains (you know, those squishy things in their skulls that they rarely, if ever, use) get warm fuzzies when they think of or hear about their fellow libtards, but get all twisted when a conservative is mentioned.

U.S. researchers observed the brain activity of liberal college students who were asked to think about Christian conservatives. As they did so, a brain region strongly linked to the self and to empathy with others nearly shut down, while another center — perhaps linked to stereotypic thoughts — swung into high gear.

“It’s as if you think that ‘they’ don’t think like you do — it’s like you believe they are governed by a different set of rules when they think,” explained study author Dr. Jason Mitchell, a postdoctoral researcher at Harvard University’s department of psychology.

Like Ace, I’m waiting for the test to be performed on conservatives, even though I can already guess the outcome when told about liberals: The humor center will flare up, and if something like a video of a ‘progressive’ talking about Marx/Engles is shown, the IQ center will slowly deactivate and if someone like a replay of a Chomsky speech is played, the part of the brain which controls the sphincter will tell the body to let the ‘African Barking Spiders’ loose.

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2 Responses to A Lack of Empathy is the Least of My Worries

  1. puggs says:

    When the students thought about the liberal person, the mPFC’s ventral region — strongly associated with thoughts about the self — got very active. But it quieted down when the subject was the Christian conservative — instead, the mPFC’s dorsal area took over.

    I hope that this isn’t the author drawing comparisons.

    “It’s not everyday that you interact with Hitler, however,” he added. “Hopefully, in your everyday life you’ll encounter less extreme examples.”

    The effect of what they’re saying is that being challenged, at least for a liberal so far, triggers a prejudiced response, akin to racism, or anti-religious bigotry.

    Now my question is.

    Whould their responses have been so extreme if they were to read say, A translated Taliban screed on women as property, death to the infidel, and 9/11 was a just punishment?

    Somehow, I doubt it. Liberals always seem to disregard people like that as merely a minor iratation, yet can rant for hours on the horrors of living under Bush. The priorities are so messed up, that you have to ponder are hardwired to hate their fellow countrymen in political opposition more than a foriegn enemy?

    What kind of label do you put on that?

    oh yeah,

    a liberal.

  2. puggs says:

    sorry about the typo’s,

    left hand’s not working well today, and I sometimes misskey when I type fast.


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