I had to wait

Until I stopped laughing to be able to post on this.

OK, so last week, Chris Matthews of ‘HardlyGotBalls’ fame compared the statements in the latest Osama tape to Michael Moore’s whacked out diatribe, which it is easily comparable to, as Lee from Right Thinking showed here.

The left went nuts and demanded an apology from Matthews, even though Moore hasn’t. But that is their mutated ‘advocacy gene’ acting up, so there really isn’t much to worry about there.

When Matthews ignored their demands, they fired up a boycott blog of Hardball’s advertizers called ‘Open Letter to Chris Matthews’, which, just like they’re demands is being ignored.

Whent hat didn’t work, demagogue Kos decided he would try the ‘Turnabout is Fair Play’ game. The trouble is, Kos wouldn’t know how to ‘Turnabout’ is he had a guy in a Smokey the Bear hat yelling at him to “about face!”

Nonetheless, he compared a total of two Osama quotes, one an anti-homosexual quote and the other an anti-Clinton quote, to ‘Republicans’ without giving any example of Republicans actually saying those things.

That had to be the funniest, most desperate and most pathetic thing I have seen him do since he deleted his “Screw Them” post, and I stop by there daily.

So now, to add fule to the fire, we have Saddam Hussein’s lawyers filing a lawsuit against the Bush Administration that is nearly a duplicate of the charges filed against them by the official Not In Our Name “Bush Crimes Commision” that I talked about on Monday.

I don’t know how many more murderous bastard will have to come forward spewing the left wing’s talking points before they realize how destructive their hatred of Bush is. But as long as it is entertaining and we don’t lose seats in Congress this year, I’ll just keep laughing (and posting) I guess.

This entry was posted in Freaks, Mutants, and Morons, Too Stupid to Live, Useful Idiots. Bookmark the permalink.

3 Responses to I had to wait

  1. Rimfirejones says:

    The “Open Letter to Chris Matthews” site is pathetic at best.

    A little cheese and crackers to go with that whine?

  2. Rivrdog says:

    So, if, as I posted about yesterday, the GOP continues tripping on it’s Richard royally, in both political matters (notably, immigration reform and deficit control) and fundraising matters (trying a sleazy piggy-back on the US Census Bureau’s latest laugh at privacy), and THEY DO LOSE SOME SEATS, ‘splain to me, my Saltchuck Guru, just how that DOESN’T fall into Kos’ lap as a told-ya-so.

    The small-l part of the GOP “base” is nervous about the rest of the Bush run.

    Very nervous.

    2 1/2 more years of open borders and THOSE results, 2 1/2 more years of failing to either take OR stay on the High Road, morally and politically, and 2 1/2 more years of trying to ram fundie Christianity down our throats while spending lives and bullets fighting fundie Islam; all of these things take their toll on us. Some of us will break and refuse to follow the GOP Pied Piper to the polls.

    If the Donks have less meltdown with THEIR base, they will make political gains, both this year and in ’08.

    It’s just that simple.

    As I see the Congress generally, both sides have safe seats. In the past, that has been as high as 98% of the seats. In recent past, however, the percentage of safe seats is falling, and perhaps as many as 10% are up for grabs in each chamber. The GOP majority will survive losing ALL of that 10% in the House, but not in the Senate.

    Don’t count your chickens before they come home to roost, or something like that.

  3. AnalogKid says:

    I’m sure that the Repubs will lose a few house seats. I’m also sure that the Dems will lose a few as well. The results will hopefully fall out that both houses will be kept, since the Dems won’t be any better at illegal immigration or spending than the Repubs are.

    But at least I won’t have to listen to impeachment reindeer games if the Repubs keep both houses.

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