Probably Too Much Information

Bruce at Massbackwards found a very interesting story and refrained from making a joke out of it. Aaron at FreeWillBlog also refrained and listed it as ‘Headline of the Day’.

I, however, am not as principled.

In fact, I am going straight to the source and ask a question.

Here is the headline,

Olive Oil May Protect Against Breast Cancer

Here is the e-mail I want to send to Javier Menendez, a research scientist with the Evanston Northwestern Healthcare Research Institute in Illinois.

Dear Sir,

I read the story by Amamnda Gardner about the cancer fighting aspects of Olive Oil.

I am wondering if this treatment works if the oil is spread liberally on the skin of ones spouse? I ask because I definitely do not want my wife to ever have to suffer breast cancer and am willing to do anything necessary in order help her.


Hmm, even if it they don’t know if this use of olive oil treatment works, maybe I could use their research as a stepping stone to get my own grant to do research?

I always wanted to go back to college.

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One Response to Probably Too Much Information

  1. Bruce says:

    I’m glas to see someone ran with the ball on this one.

    “Rubbing Out Breast Cancer in 2005”

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