Here’s Proof…

…that the Democrats’ much-publicized success in delaying the Alito committee vote until today was all about money.

Back on Thursday, January 12, one of my moonbat friends forwarded me a copy of an email he got from People for the American Way. (I suppose this is one of the advantages of living “behind enemy lines,” so to speak, in the San Francisco Bay Area — I can easily see inside their secret councils, don’tcha know.)

Anyway, this “Special Hearing Edition” datelined January 12, 2006 (that’s important), has a big ol’ begging button in their right column, stating

Already nearly 3,000 activist donors have helped us fight to get the truth out. We want to raise $40,000 more online to get ads on the air as the Senate Judiciary Committee moves to a vote on his nomination.

Well, okay, that’s a fairly straightforward plea for money. But the funny bit about this email is the accompanying message that’s s’posed to get your juices flowing enough to pony up the bucks:

Dear [my friend],

Momentum is shifting on the Alito nomination.   Senator Schumer’s aggressive questioning Tuesday evening reflected Democrat’s growing frustration with Alito’s inconsistent and inadequate answers, and yesterday several senators refused to let him get away with stonewalling.     At a news conference yesterday, they vowed “to keep digging until we get some answers.”

 Ralph G. Neas [President of PFAW]

I’m sorry, but “Momentum is shifting?” ROTFLMAO! As of January 12, 2006, everybody with half a brain had figured out that Alito was going to be confirmed. The only way he was going to be stopped was if he self-destructed in the hearings, and he didn’t. And this was pretty widely reported, too.

The reason the hearings degenerated into a bunch of repetitive, semantically empty name-calling from the Democrats was not so much that the Democratic Senators needed to satisfy the Kos Krowd of their True Believer Moonbat cred, but rather that the left-wing interest groups were screaming for the Dems on the committee to provide some sort of cover to allow the interest groups to continue their fundraising to “stop the Alito threat.” Hell, I remember Nina Totenberg, no friend of Alito’s, starting NPR’s coverage of the hearings with a comment about how a lot of it was going to be fundamentally about interest group fundraising, as everybody inside the Beltway already knew. And of course, she was right.

However, this seems to me to be a new low. I mean, during the Clinton years, I got my share of hyperventilating fundraising letters from the NRA, but they never misrepresented the actual truth on the ground to the extent PFAW did here.

Does anybody really believe this stuff? I guess 3,000 people did. Sadly, I’ll bet my friend was one of them.

If anyone would like a copy of the PFAW email, I’d be happy to forward it to you for your reading enjoyment. It’s worth a chuckle.

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4 Responses to Here’s Proof…

  1. I wonder if, after he’s elected, if the donks will call for a re-count?

    …..Mr. C.

  2. Kirk says:

    Hey AK,

    I can trade you your moonbat email for mine… I subscribed to the Maryland Progressive… Also worth a chuckle…


  3. AnalogKid says:

    Actually Kirk, this one is David’s. I don’t know that I’d want to get soemthing like that.

  4. David says:

    Already sent a copy to Kirk. I used to live in Maryland, so it’ll be interesting to see the Crabby People’s perspective on things.

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