What, are they prejudiced against hippies?

I wouldn’t fault her, because I am too.

Minorities Leaving?

Eugene, OR – Eugene’s first diversity manager… who is also the local NAACP president… has resigned from her job and is moving out of the area.

City officials say they are sad to see Marilyn Mays leave… but minority rights advocates say she is just the latest of many minority professionals leaving the city because of racial concerns.

“She’s gunna be a real loss to the organization and the community,” Lauren Chouinard, Eugene Human Resources.

I guess Eugene must have gotten their crime and homeless rates down to zero to be able to waste time with a ‘Diversity Manager’.

On a side note, go read the entire article. If the writer, Carla Castano, was raised and educated in Eugene, I’d say that Eugene needs to fire a few of their teachers.

I spotted three gramatical errors and two spelling errors.

I write better copy than that!

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