Ignorance in full view

John @ Some Poor Schmuck asks “Does part of the preparation for taking a seat on the Oregon Court of Appeals involve having your brains sucked out and replaced by sawdust?”

My answer; Nope, they just hit you repeatedly over the head until you cry out “Jimmy Carter is a genius!”

The question arose from this ruling by OCA,

In a victory for political protesters, the Oregon Court of Appeals on Wednesday struck down a state law that makes it a crime to disobey a police officer.

The court said the law was unconstitutionally broad because police could use it against people who are lawfully attending a political rally.

While I agree that ‘disobeying a police officer’ is rather vague, when you are at a rally and are told to disperse, you need to disperse, either for your safety or the safety of others.

Living in the protest capitol of the country (seriously, these freaks up here will publically demonstrate for bike lanes!) I am sick and tired of ANSWER and SNOW and others of their ilk trying to shut down portions of the city.

Remember WTO?

When these groups start getting violent and start destroying private property, unless the police have a person on video doing something illegal, the only charge they have at their disposal is ‘failing to disperse/disobeying a police officer’ in order to charge and hold these hooligans.

Oregon PD’s statewide no longer have this tool.

Carry on, anarchists. The state is yours.

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