Getting Rid of a Lie

Memri has put together a small collection or reports from Arab writers that put to bed the lie that terrorism is the fault of poverty.

Now, folks on the right have known this for a while. After all, none of the murderers from the attacks of September 11th were poor. They were at least upper middle class in even when compared to US standards.


UAE Writer and columnist Abdallah Rashid: The Reason for Arab Muslim Youth Involvement in Terrorism is Religious Brainwashing

“Interrogations by the Iraqi authorities of terrorists arrested during raids and searches in Iraqi towns revealed that most of the Saudi youth and some of the [youth] from the Gulf who went to Iraq to join the Al-Qa’ida terrorist groups come from families that are not poor and from a social environment that does not suffer from economic problems.

Powell has even stated the lie about terrorism being caused by low quality of life.

Maybe his belief in the lie is why he is gone?

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