Urine for a chat

The MSM is reporting on the beer selections for the picnic table gathering between President Obama, Professor Gates and Officer Crowley:

Obama will have a Bud Light

Gates will have a Red Stripe

Crowley will have a selection from the Blue Moon Brewing Company (probably their Honey Moon Summer Ale)

Now I know with absolute certainty that the only trustworthy one in the bunch is Officer Crowley. BHO will be drinking the liquid from The Devil’s Own Kidney Machine and Gates will be swilling Jamaican greywater.

Personally, just so the NYT would have to print it, if I were Crowley, I’d ask for an Arrogant Bastard Ale (probably the Oaked selection, since Obama is picking up the tab).

Remember not so long ago when the left declared that wanting to have a President who you wanted to have a beer with was a stupid idea?

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3 Responses to Urine for a chat

  1. Kevin S says:

    Arrogant Bastard is a good choice. My friend who just got married on the 5th had a keg of that, as well as a keg of Fat Tire at the wedding “reception”.

  2. Mollbot says:

    Mmmm Fat Tire…

  3. Rivrdog says:

    A few years ago I helped arrange an outdoor wedding for a friend. I bought a pony keg of Mirror Pond for the crew to drink whilst/after setting up all the outdoor crap that is called for.

    We damn near didn’t HAVE a wedding. Man, was the bride honked off when she made her royal entrance and the entire corps of groomsmen all the way to the roadie-in-charge (me) were tight as a tick. Nobody could tie a four-in-hand knot on their cravat, most couldn’t put their cummerbunds on right side up…

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