RNS Quote of the Day: 07/13/09

According to this guy, having less than average personal wealth makes one trigger happy.

It is just foolhardy to place guns in developments of poor people, many of whom are unemployed, and place these guns around children.

Emmanuel Cleaver II – Democrat of Missouri

Sure, some bad personal choice has landed folks in public housing. But turning public housing into an internment camp where they have to rely on the goodness of others for their own personal safety is not and never will be the answer.

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4 Responses to RNS Quote of the Day: 07/13/09

  1. Rivrdog says:

    Poor people with guns? I dunno, a whole lot of poor people with guns have fought and died in ALL of our wars, just so idiots like this St. Louie (D)onk can spout off his trash.

    Those ‘po folks will probably take up arms again, soon.

  2. Rivrdog says:

    ….oops, my bad, he’s a Kansas City (D)onk.

  3. DirtCrashr says:

    Some bad personal choices individually, but a LOT of bad Governmental ones that purposely turned poor people into defenseless dependents. The old “Saturday Night Special” laws need to be overturned because they are specifically racist in origin.

  4. Kristopher says:

    The last thing the Donks want is for the inmates of their voter plantations to get weapons and get uppity.

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