Ron Paul is a lying sack of road apples

And I invite the neo-Paulitans of the sphere to convince me otherwise in free and open debate.

Last night while eating dinner I watched Ron Paul unabashedly lie to Glenn Beck and the viewers of Beck’s show, such as myself, when he denied that he knew anything about the Truther dweeblets conspiracy theories.

Bald. Faced. Lie.

I’ve listened to a webcast of Paul on the Alex Jones “Tinfoilhat Radio Show” and read quotes from a different appearance he had made (Charles Johnson says he’s been on there a total of four times).

You can not be a guest on the “Loose Change Open Mike Night” show, take calls from people whose only hope to feel smarter than the general populace is to believe in asshatted conspiracy theories, and then disavow knowledge of these people’s beliefs without being called a liar by those who can tell the difference between a lying bastard and a honest human being.

Before last night, Ron Paul was an annoyance. His fanatics, a moderate pain in my ass. I don’t know about David, but I was getting a couple emails a week from his followers, who were of varying stripes of sanity and lucidity. I don’t know why, I think it is probably the banner at the top. And they don’t stop because you don’t reply. Also, if you simply tell them to stop and that you’re not interested you still get return emails telling you that you’re missing out on “The Real Deal”.

Its like they’re a fucking cult. I’m waiting for the track suit and the genital mutilation.

But back to Paul himself; last night he put himself in the lying sack of shit column with Mitt “The Tit”, Ding-Dong McCain (Feingold), Huck-a-fuck-abee and every Dem candidate. No vote. No way.

I have also have noticed that Paul has not asked the Troofers, or the Seek Helpers of Stormfucked for that matter, to stop sending him money. Likewise, when it was revealed that a large number of donations to his campaign in the one-day drive prior to this most recent one had come from stolen credit card numbers, I notice that his campaign had not returned the funds or even adjusted the dollar figures.

He isn’t even disavowing the textbook racist and anti-Semitic literature he’s published in his newsletters since the 1980’s. I’d quote them right here except that I refuse to give a stage to an asshole like that. Also, it makes the Paulbots run to the hills and I want them to step right up and tell me they can support such a bigoted, lying turdbag for the highest office in the land.

While I can and will applaud what a small number of his followers are doing to drive the FEC batty, Paul will always be a lying sack of shit unworthy of a single vote from any respectable citizen in my book.

And anyone willing to still vote for he who panders to the stupid and crazy is lying to themselves if they think that Ron Paul stands for anything more noble than getting Ron Paul elected. I’ll feed the tree of liberty with the lying sonofabitch myself if he ever makes it to the room with no corners.

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11 Responses to Ron Paul is a lying sack of road apples

  1. Robb Allen says:

    Oh, I am SO going to enjoy watching this one.

    You can get federal funding to soak a crucifix in urine, but speak ill of Savior Paul and you’re going to get some serious hate mail.

    Please post them!

  2. Phil says:

    Sure, if any of them are willing to answer the questions I’ve provided. Otherwise, they will be marked as spam.

    Oh, and Paul-friends, do remember that I work nights and will attend to your responses at that time.

  3. Rivrdog says:

    I had a Truther attack at my site just before I went on my hiatus. Ugly, to say the least.

    Ron Paul IS a cult leader, by any objective analysis of the history of same. He takes the place in the Big-L history behind another cult leader, Lyndon LaRouche, who he doesn’t seem to disavow, either.

    So, bro, if it gets to where they show up at your casa, I will consider that su casa es mi casa, and I offer to show up to lend support.

    The M14 kind of support.

    I haven’t decided who to support yet, and won’t until next year, but if it boiled down to a choice between Hillary and Paul, and I couldn’t abstain, I’d go with Hillary, that’s how bad Paul would be for the country.

    As for his campaign mismanagement, maybe he SHOULD read up on Lyndon LaRouche’s life ( ). He might wind up following LaRouche to the Greybar Hotel.

  4. Jacob says:

    Notice that, although Paul’s campaign has raked in lots of internet donations, he’s not moving up in the polls. His campaign is basically being run by a small number of moonbats with too much money and time on their hands.

  5. Firehand says:

    I saw that show. He’s one weird character: he’ll say one thing that makes me think “Yeah!”, then say something that makes me wonder if it’s a mental condition or just something he’s imbibing.

    And yeah, he lied.

  6. Petey says:

    Luckily he’s relatively unknown off college campuses here in Nebraska. The locals have a habit of hearing the good parts and going deaf to the anti-Israel rhetoric.

  7. Ben says:

    Yeah, its kinda disappointing. I may sit this election out.

    If an honest politician is what you seek, then I say your cause is more hopeless than mine.

  8. David says:

    Thankfully, my email seems to be mercifully Paulbot-free. More for you, Phil!

    I saw the man himself back in 1988 when he spoke at UC Berkeley for a one-credit seminar class I was taking. Basically the class met once a week to hear interesting people speak, then at the end of the semester you had to pass a true-false test about what the speakers had said. (It was essentially a make-up class for seniors who were missing one credit to graduate.)

    One of the other speakers was some flunky for the Pat Robertson for President campaign. I remember I dinged him with a question about Robertson’s audiotaped discussion of how the Soviet Union invading Israel was going to be the sign of Armageddon — in 1976.

    I probably could have thrown something similar at Paul. I just remember being fascinated with his fixation on the gold standard — weren’t nothin’ about that in Laura Tyson’s Econ 101 class I was taking at the time.

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  10. Ben says:

    I’ll Bite. Notice that you never really asked a question. ???

    Paul lied on The Glenn Beck Show. I’ll not defend it.

    Paultards: We’re nothing if not dedicated. I guess that makes us a cult… People are actually sending emails to Phil and Rivrdog; Leaving comments on your blog; Commiting vicious acts of advocacy to the point where rivrdog is willing to bust out the M14. One of us may hand you a leaflet one day! Insane! Horrific!

    Would a denunciation of The Troofers and The Stormfuckers increase Pauls appeal to you? Doing so would not drive these people away from his camp. They’ll believe what they want to believe and still be drawn to Paul because of his consistent contrarian history. This doesnt bother me. I dont think Paul is a Neo Nazi. He was one of the few to defend Israels right to bomb the Osirak Nuclear Reactor.

    Fuckit, upon further coucil,, Ive decided that this effort is a fooles erand. Youll not be persuades. My generation has been shakled to a mountaimn of debt. The damnable babyboomer have voted themsleves a bunch of cushy benefits at the expense of others. Tahnks, you Cunts! Ye daughters of the Great Society and the New Deal. You know racial warfare, you know class warfare, youll prolly have generatioal warfare as well. the dollar is n the shitter, congress makes us put basic food in our gas tanks(rasing food prices), federal reserve keep printing money to cloak their assinine lending policies. Our glorious leader has granted a stay of execution to the morons in the Sub Pime Mortgage world(Nevermind that its their own dumbass fault) 46 Trillion in liabilities? AINT NO THANG! Lets see the polticians pull that out of their ass. Somebodys getting shafted, I think its gonna be me and my fellows. Considering such, Im voting for the Monkey Wrench. Mr. Paultard.

    I’m very interested to know who you and rivrdog support. It appears that you’ve discarded Mitt, McCain, Huckabee and Paul. Tancredo bailed today. Your remainig choices are Giuliani, Thompson and Hunter.

  11. Phil says:

    You are correct in that I didn’t ask a direct question Ben, but the implied one is how can people who are so “for the truth” vote for a known liar?

    I don’t want you to defend him, that is not your job and you’re a bigger man than he is to admit to his lie (since he will not).

    However, I would like to know why you can still consider him someone worth voting for after he lied to the general public as he did? That is an indefensible sin, going directly against what he says he stands for and against what any honest citizen should look for in their presidential candidate.

    I don’t really care who is drawn to him, but I would like for him to denounce their beliefs and turn away their funding. No, that would not bond me closer to Paul, I am as you said, a lost cause. My vote, btw, is currently going to Thompson, whom I have chosen to give my post-tax dollars to. He is the closest thing to a federalist on the trail at this time. The rest can eat a dick. Paul most especially because I watched him lie to my face and because I know his past.

    I’m hoping I don’t’ give insult here, but just how old are you, Ben? I’m guessing 30 or less. If this is the case, I would ask if you have ever read some of Paul’s writings from the 80’s and 90’s? I would also like to know where you got the quote about Osirak, as I have read his past writings (I had a very Buchananite close relative who subscribed to Paul’s “newsletters”) and I remember that one much differently than you have stated. Likewise, while he may have never worn the Swastika, his ideas about the habits and lifestyles of those who are not of European descent are a bit on the “Andrew MacDonald” side of the spectrum.

    Thank you for being honest, it will always be appreciated here. I would offer my pity that you have to rest your hopes for a better America in a liar whose sole purpose right now is advancing his agenda and not helping America, but I know that you do not want it. I will however pre-offer my condolences for your disappointment once his true self is revealed by the MSM if he gets enough votes in IA and NH (they will find copies of his writings if I have to give them to them).

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