It’s because I’m Psychic

At this time, I can tell you exactly the findings of Mayor Nckels and Seattle Police Chief Gil Kerlikowski’s Joyce Foundation funded anti-civil rights extravaganza being held today at an unknown location somewhere in Seattle.

It mirrors what Mugwug’s neighbors to the east are dealing with in Toronto, Ontario, Canuckistan.

Firearms Home Inspections in Toronto

You’ll remember that Canada has a firearms registration program, most likely because it is massively over budget and utterly useless in solving crime. What it does work excellently for is harassing lawful firearms owners.

Nickels and Kerlikowske have taken notice, gotten some cash from The Joyce Foundation and are hosting a gun bigot conference to “fact find” on useless government mandates that won’t put a dent in Seattle’s crime rate.

I have little doubt that within the next year or so we will begin hearing new and creative ways to make firearms owners either register themselves and their inanimate tools or move out of Seattle (which they should have already done long ago).

Being the lazy, non-Seattle Post-Intelligencer reading jerk that I am, the first I heard about this Bigot-O-Rama was when Ahab linked to RNS in this post at his blog. I read that and was incensed but unsurprised.

Then I read the Guest Editorial in the PI from Alan Gottlieb (Second Amendment Foundation) and Mark Taff (Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms) and was again incensed but unsurprised that they had been invited by the bigoted Senator Adam Kline and that the Mayor’s office had swiftly rescinded the Senator’s offer.

Over the weekend I then saw that Joe had linked to the Gottlieb/Taff column and asked for volunteers to hand out “Section 24 of the Washington State Constitution with 18 USC 241 and 242 for attendees as they arrived”. Always being a go-er, I emailed him and then later spoke to him on the phone.

The problem with that plan was this: No one knows when or where this symposium of bigotry is being held. We know it is today, in Seattle, at a conference center, but the start time is not known, and despite the fact that Seattle’s political leadership have small minds, Seattle is a large place.

Also, if they’re holding it on City property (which I wouldn’t put past them, especially since the SPD has a new facility and Nickels a very recently new City Hall and both are very near Harborview Medical Center) then anyone who isn’t otherwise invited can be told to stuff it at badgepoint (aka: gunpoint when the pointer is wearing a badge).

After I got off the phone with Joe I did do a little bit of investigating about possible locations and came up with zilch. No one I know connected to the local PD’s (including Seattle) has heard of anything special to “keep an eye on” or “stay in the vicinity of”.

Being a former citizen of the City of Seattle, I still had my address book which contains a certain person’s home addy (something every good citizen of any political bent should keep is the home addy of the local uber-constable). While definitely a “lead” of sorts, staking out the Chief of Police’s resi so as to follow him to an invitation only conference sounds like a one-way ticket to The Hoosgow on a “Stalking” charge to me. And they take away your guns for that.

So the next best thing I think you can do, and that I’m already working on thinking it was already campaign before I read Mr. David Codrea’s post making it a campaign, is to write your State’s Attorney General to find out where they stand on Parker/Heller, and if they write appropriately, urge them to write publically on the subject and to the SCOTUS. Michigan’s AG, Michael Cox already has done so.

Have a nice day.

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