In case you missed it

Local hate site Northwest Progressive Institute has the text of AlGore’s Nobel acceptance speech.

Not that you really care what he thinks of you, but in his speech he classifies people, world leaders specifically, but you too, who do not believe as he does as “Neville Chamberlains“.

Because Global Warming is worse than Hitler!

And there he goes, Godwinning all over his tux.

Speaking of hypocritical Global Warming Death Cult members, not only are there thousands of dignitaries who all flew into Bali, a-polluting all the way, but there are also hundreds of protesters who flew to Bali.

Oh, they’re not protesting the conference or the flights the dignitaries took. Nope, they’re protesting that the conference-attendees aren’t pushing their death cult mantra hard enough.

I’m just glad this asshole didn’t go to Bali to stand on his soapbox

A west Australian medical expert wants families to pay a $5000-plus “baby levy” at birth and an annual carbon tax of up to $800 per child.

Makes that abortion idea probably sound pretty good to expecting parents.

But I thought we were “saving the planet for our children and grandchildren”?

I really just wish that the people who believe this crap would get up the courage to do the planet some real good and perform retroactive abortions on themselves and their friends. They’ll be feeding Mother Gaia with their bodies and stopping the expelling of all that eevviill CO2. But they’re just cowardly control freaks, so I’m sure that one is out.
Me? Oh, I know what I’m doing to save the planet.


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3 Responses to In case you missed it

  1. Rivrdog says:

    I pay my taxes on time and without protest, as I believe all citizens should.

    That might change were I to be assessed any sort of “carbon tax”. There’s simply no basis for it in the Constitution, or in any interpretation of same, no matter how whacked-out.

    In fact, a “carbon tax” would impinge on my right to freely assemble, move about, speak, and whatever else (shooting firearms comes to mind also).

    To the Goracles I say: “I’m made of carbon, I use carbon-based products to support my life, and if you want to take any of that away, you are trying to kill me. People who try to kill me are my mortal enemies, and I will kill them first.”

    I suggest that we assign a day next year to be a “carbon freedom day”, in which we will indulge in carbon-liberating activities, and keep track of our carbon liberation, then announce it to the world in our blogs.

    Maybe I should take the lead and rename my blog “The Carbon Glutton”.

  2. Martini says:

    you missed the part where the idiot requested state mandated sterilization…..

  3. RivrDog’s on it.

    Practice, and practice often.

    When the tax gets levied, then I’m completely on board with the idea of protecting my life, as he’s defined it.

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