Earlier I posted some links to housing projects based on shipping containers.
Well, I guess somebody’s actually made a business turning them into insulated, pre-fabricated steel “blocks” you can stack to form the skeleton of what otherwise looks like a regular residential house.
There’s a Bob Vila video, too.
I wonder how good of a fallout shelter, or how good of a hunting cabin one or two of these would make?
My ol’man and I are pricing one up right now for use as a hunting cabin/”man camp”.
The local outlets for new 80′ boxes are a little much ($3,000-$3,500 ea.), so we’re looking at shipping companies and truck companies that we have business connections with. The used ones go for around a grand, but we would have to deal with some rust grinding and locating the accessories. We’re also in the midwest, so they are a little less common than when I lived in Seattle and accessories like ramps and small pedestrian doors have to come from Kansas City.
I figure we can get one done with a fair amount of insulation and a framed roof for under $8,000. The real problem comes with avoiding flood plains, getting an electrical line put in and, of course, all the time to do all this stuff. I expect construction to start after Turkey Season, so maybe February-ish.
you have 2 links there to the same previous post. Is the 2nd link a mistake?
A friend who works in construction made a really great hunting camp/getaway out of an intermodal container. He cut windows into it but they shutter with steel and it just looks like a shipping container in the woods when he’s not there.
I really like the idea.
John, you’re right, I screwed up. Link fixed now to the new business: http://www.sgblocks.com/