Nose under the tent spotted

And it looks surprisingly (or not so surprisingly) like Hillary’s.

The SCHIP expansion bill is currently sitting on Bush’s desk, waiting for a signature that will put it on the law books or send it back to Congress.

Those that oppose the bill (such as myself) believe that it gives away too much, both to illegal aliens (which is reason enough to not like it) and to actual citizens (it covers “children up to 25 years of age” and a families that would otherwise qualify for a home loan on a house valued at $250,000).

Those that want the bill signed (like the wasteoids in the leftosphere) falsely believe that health care is the government’s job and want to get the Medicare/Medicaid camel-nose further under the tent until they can bribe voters into going whole hog on socialized medicine (though they’ll rarely admit to that and they deny that there is even a plan to do so).

Unfortunately for them, we’ve got the plans in-hand

Back in 1993, according to an internal White House staff memo, then-first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton’s staff saw federal coverage of children as a “precursor” to universal coverage.

In a section of the memo titled “Kids First,” Clinton’s staff laid out backup plans in the event the universal coverage idea failed.

And one of the key options was creating a state-run health plan for children who didn’t qualify for Medicaid but were uninsured.

That idea sounds a lot like the current State Children’s Health Insurance Program, which was eventually created by the Republican Congress in 1997.

Actually, I believe that should read “created by the Rhino Congress in 1997”.

Giving people whose income is four-times the poverty level government run heath care is disgusting.

Of course, maybe if enough people see what a pain in the ass socialized medicine is, they won’t be wanting any more of it?

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4 Responses to Nose under the tent spotted

  1. Rivrdog says:

    “Of course, maybe if enough people see what a pain in the ass socialized medicine is, they won’t be wanting any more of it?”

    Yanno, our democratic republic is supposed to work that way, but hasn’t in years. Built into every (D)ummocrat plan to increase the size and role of the Feddle Gummint is also a plan to prevent reversion back to the old way of doing business.

    State Initiative 50 in Oregon is just such a measure. The (D)onk Guvner couldn’t get the (D)onk Legislature to increase taxes for the Oregon State version of SCHIP, and was told by the taxpayer watchdog groups that any tax increase for it would be referred to the ballot, so the (D)onk gummint gave up, referred it to the voters, all gimmicked up and with funding as a huge cigarette tax increase that is guaranteed to shrink. That’s dumb enough, but the buttwads then proposed to lock the cigarette tax increase into the actual Constitution where it can’t be touched except by another Constitutional amendment, and there has never been an amendment to undo a previous amendment, and they know it.

    Of course, if they succeed with this “it’s for the chilluns” tax, they will immediately get all the other high taxes locked into the Constitution as well, and citizen control of State spending will go into the dumper. Oregon’s socialism is somewhat tolerable only because the bite isn’t too bad, but give the socialists an unlimited hand in our wallets, and we would have to leave here pronto.

  2. Rivrdog says:

    Hmmm, flunked today’s XHTML practical exam, didn’t I?

  3. Here in The People’s Republic of California, RINO Gov. Arnie and the communist leader of the state assembly are only fighting over how it will be paid for. We’re gonna get it (in so many ways). It’s just a matter of how quickly and who’s gonna get screwed to pay for it.

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