
From western Washington residents over the SCHIP veto.

Here, in the Letters to the Editor page of the Seattle Times.

Notice, not one single letter in favor of the veto.

Or, for those to lazy to click on the link, this guy takes the prize

Since regardless of income, all children receive public education and all seniors receive Medicare, it makes no sense for any child — or adult — to be denied access to medical care. Rather than ration access by economics, reform Medicare by putting a cap on out-of-pocket expenses per family and extend Medicare to all children 18 or under by Jan. 1, 2008.

Then, after the 2008 election, extend Medicare to everyone, allowing the wealthy to purchase luxury care, just as they fly first class or by private plane. And then, instead of being somewhere between 33rd and 37th place in international public-health data, we could challenge France and Scandinavia for No. 1 in the most important ratings of all: our health.

Jerry Frankel, M.D., Marysville

Dr. Frankel’s suggestion violates his Hippocratic Oath, because it will kill more people than it helps.

Also, it seems that part of his degree is in “Lying 101”. Everyone alive has access to medical care. Frankel wants folks who read his words to think that “Access” means having it payed for too. I’d hate be a patient of his, what with his disingenuous way of speaking.
Of course, it seems he wants medicine payed for like airline tickets. I guess that since hospital food is as bad, if not worse, than airline food, his analogy has some basis in reality. But that would be about the end of it.

I’m sure that since he advocates for this dismal retreat in citizen health standards, that Dr. Frankel would never give an appointment to a patient with “Luxury Care” medical insurance. Right, Dr. Frankel? Those checks from the government that take forever to arrive and are usually short a few patients and all would be just fine for you.

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6 Responses to Fallout

  1. Don Grimm says:

    Nice strawman. Jesus, is that the best that you can do?

  2. Phil says:

    You see a strawman there? I see nothing but already proven problems with government run healthcare.

    Please elaborate.

  3. DirtCrashr says:

    The same morons who love the DMV and were edjumicated by the State-Stalinist Teacher’s Unionistas, want their healt’ care to be run by increasingly large and inept and cronyistic bureaucracies of similar do-noting paper-pushers.

  4. PHIL (not your humble host, but some jackass attempting to obfuscate the discussion) says:

    You are an idiot…

  5. David says:

    Wow, Phil (no, he’s not RNS Phil), that’s some cogent commentary there.

  6. Phil says:

    Thank you for finding this idiot, David.

    You’d think that such supposedly easily found strawmen would have been knocked down, and tactics of this sort wouldn’t be necessary?

    I guess that this putz’s anti-strawman skills are in the shitter.

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