Self Delusion – Grass Roots Style

I put on the hip-waders and wander through the KosBog so that you don’t have to.

Kos thinks that his site and the work he has done to help Howard Dean-(D)ipshit is all going towards a grassroots effort to help re-retake over the Democrat Party and hand it to the MoveOn sore-losers.

Unfortunately for the ‘grass roots’ folks, Kos acts blatantly obtuse, either because he is just that dumb or because he wants to lie to them. Today’s case in point: the ‘Hillary/Plantation’ blow-out.

Apparently, the wingnutosphere has the vapors because Hillary used the word “plantation” to describe the GOP-led Congress.

Too bad for them Google exists.

He then cites a number of uses of the word “plantation” by Rush Limbaugh, Bob Novak, the WSJ, and NRO found by Atrios and ‘John in DC’ of the Americablog.

Sadly, no matter how many debate-format shows he watches, he just doesn’t seem to get that the use of the word “plantation” in and of itself isn’t what is being objected to, it is that Hillary used the word to try and label herself and her fellow Dems as slaves to the Repub majority.

I don’t know about you, but I can’t remember the last time Bill Frist told Hillary that if she didn’t vote the way he wanted her to he would give her 50 lashes with a whip or have her hung. Nor do I remember any Repub claiming ownership of a person in the lesser party in the House.

Part of Kos’ claim to ‘the grass roots’ is that every year he changes out the list of people who he allows to post directly to the front page of the dKos. I don’t know where he finds these people, maybe he just picks the first 6 people in line to kiss his ass, but he found a really winner with the selection of ‘georgia10’.

G10 reports on the NYT article from Monday with the misrepresenting headline “Spy Agency Data After Sept. 11th led FBI to Dead Ends” that actually says that the wiretaps DID lead to arrests and at least one conviction for laundering money to help fund the training of terrorists and conspiracy to wage war against the United States in Oregon that Captain Ed pointed out on Tuesday.

Of course, those facts are all the way down past paragraph 16. G10 apparently can’t read for that long a period of time because the last paragraph quoted in the post he/she/it wrote was #7.

And apparently, none of the geniuses in the ‘grass roots’ can read that far either because none of the 194 comments mention them.

Self delusion at its best, folks.

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One Response to Self Delusion – Grass Roots Style

  1. Rivrdog says:

    Rant all you want about the mental capacity of the Kos herd, AK, but the simple fact remains that if there are enough of them, no matter how idiotic, they will win and take over politically, then we will have to fight them in the streets, because they will rip the Constitution to shreds in short order.

    We can’t do much about Kos Kool-Aid (TM) drinkers, they’re already poisoned. We have to concentrate on the future victims of Markos “Jim Jones” Zuniga, and like good cowboys, head them off from the wolf’s trap.

    That’s why our blogs should be, above all, educational tools. It’s OK to rant, but our higher calling is to educate.

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