NW Moonbat News

At the end of my post a couple weeks back on the suicide of one of the people arrested as a suspected ELF, I said I’d try to keep up with any new news. To put it bluntly, there hasn’t really been anything new other than whining ‘status reports’ and plea failures.

But it’s not like there has been a dearth of bile coming across the Portland Indymedia Center wires. In fact, just narrowing it down to a top three was a bit of a challenge.

First, there was the entry headline “Pigs Murder Again� that caught my attention. I wondered if there had been a rash of homicides by members of the porcine community that maybe I hadn’t heard about and I was thinking about sending a quick email to Rivrdog requesting the reasoning behind his silence on the opportunity for some free bacon and chops.

But, alas, it was a self defense shooting involving a member of the Portland constabulary.

From what I have been able to gather, a drunken car thief passed out behind the wheel of his pilfered auto and when awoken by the officer, he took off. The suspect then hit a tree after driving less than a block. A different officer on scene tazered the suspect, but being wasted and seated in the car, it had little effect on him. The suspect put the car in reverse and proceeded to drive at one of the officers and was shot.

But none of that phases the IMC crowd who decided that an eye for a nose is the best course of action,

Since when did the police become the judge, jury and executioner? Why are the good people of this country putting up with this? This is a declaration of war! We must answer these actions with actions. Every time a pig murders we need to answer with an ambush on their patrols, we need to answer deadly force with deadly force. Small cells are the way to go about this. They see us all as the enemy, so we need to show them enemy actions as they are doing to us.

I will guarantee that if every time they murder unarmed people who are scared and just trying to get away form bad cops who are trigger happy murderers, that if we answer them with downing “one of theirs” they will think twice before killing people. They take someones family member away, so take them away from their family. When all freedom loving people start to do this we will have a reduction in pigs who think they are God’s gift to humanity. They always say “we are humans just like you,” well actions speak louder than words. Every time you murder, you are creating more people who HATE you and it won’t be long for good Americans stand up to injustice, inequality and blatant disregard for the constitution.

Apparently they cannot picture someone using a vehicle as a weapon. Either that or they just hate cops. Those are just a couple of my guesses. You are can choose from either of them or make one up for yourself.

Next up, somebody warn Uncle of the SayUncle Blog, he’s gonna have some high horse ridin’ company very soon.

Alan Graf goes by the handle ‘Hippielawyer’ at the Portland IMC. He seems to be the legal beagle who sued the city for dispersing a riot with pepper spray, costing the Portland taxpayers $845,000 which was used to help start the Northwest Constitutional Rights Center.

Of course, the only ‘Constitutional Rights’ they’re worried about is protecting the anarchists’ right to break the windows of a Starbuck’s. That is free speech to them, you see.

And he’s moving to Tennessee. You’re gonna have a live one on your hands, Uncle.

And lastly, not to be outdone by either of the previous posters, poster ‘Red-neck’ says that the protective border keeping the murderous ‘palestinians’ from blowing up bus riding Israeli school children is going to be Ariel Sharon’s tombstone.

I’d keep an eye out for dancing in the streets of Portland if the latest surgery doesn’t improve Mr. Sharon’s condition.


One thing to remember about all these posts: Anyone can post at the Portland IMC, but all posts and comments are moderated. If the folks who run the place don’t agree with what you wrote, it gets sent into the ‘Compst Bin’.

Each of these posts were on the front page.

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