Is there an engineer in the house?

It’s new budget time at work and they’re already spending the money.

The first purchases were three new entry doors to the supervisor’s cubicle area. All three of them were exactly like this door.


And all three of them were installed in the same manner (click the pic for a larger version)

My challenge for the engineers (and wannabe engineers) out there is to tell me what is wrong about the installation.

You will know you got it right when you see it and laugh to yourself.

I have shut the comments for this post off because I don’t want anyone to give it away. This challenge will run until someone gets it right or I get tired of waiting (probably Friday, though I don’t think it’ll take that long for someone to get it).

You can email your answers to: randomnuclearstrikes (at) gmail (dot) com

I haven’t thought of a prize yet or even if there is going to be one. If you laughed like I did when I saw the problem with the installation, that’ll be a prize in and of itself.

UPDATE: We have a winner!

On another note, Holy Shit! I’ve never gotten so much email in one day.

And on a third note, I needed to take a better picture. Most folks were close but if my photography was a bit better, they might have gotten it.

Let me get it all sorted out tonight and I’ll post the results tomorrow.

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