
It is the blood that flows in the veins of Washington State liberals.

You’ll remember the state budget ‘surplus’ of $1.4 Billion dollars that I spoke of last week, well now that it is out in the open, one smart legislator has decided that getting rid of the $5 parking fee at our state parks would be a good idea.

As I also mentioned last week, the Washington State Parks Dept. hasn’t been fully funded in a good many years. They were always told that ‘the money just isn’t there’ as the state went on to pay for ridiculous things like stadiums and new departments with hundreds of new employees, so when the parks started barking about not having enough money, a $5 parking fee was instituted, making park rangers have to divert time from other duties to become parking lot attendants.

Park attendance took a nose dive the following year and the trend has continued ever since, so what with the state supposedly being flush with cash, someone in the legislature actually used their head and thought to get rid of the fee.

Oddly enough, or maybe not so oddly, someone at the Northwest Progressive Institute and I agree on dumping the fee. I don’t like the state’s “quickie tax� and they are probably tired of having to make sure they have small bills on them when they go to see the furry animals who don’t live at the zoo.

Andrew at the NPI blog has this to say,

“The parking fees need to be eliminated. The user fees hit our state’s poorest citizens the hardest – and that’s wrong. The fees need to go.â€?

And then the hypocrisy kicks in, because in the same post at NPI’s blog, Andrew goes completely off on our state’s instigator of the initiatives that attempted to make it reasonable to license a vehicle in Washington State, Tim Eyman, when Eyman shot his mouth off and spoke out against reducing the park fees.

Basically, Andrew at NPI wants no park fees because they ‘hurt the poor’, but he doesn’t mind making a single mother pay $150 to license her car instead of $30 because, well, I’m at a loss there actually.

I don’t speak hypocrite very well.

Andrew is full of hatred as most liberals, oops, I mean ‘Progressives’ are. They run this state, but they still feel persecuted when someone tries to slow down their money train like Eyman does.

Eyman may be a world class idiot most of the time (he shoots off his mouth regularly and got caught taking money from his own organization), but he knows that ignorant tax structures set voters off and that they’ll usually vote in their own best interest against them.

Andrew, on the other hand, knows exactly what is best for Washington and is willing to stuff it down our throats, no matter how much it hurts us.

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