I never knew the degree even existed

Alison Link has a Masters Degree in “Recreation and Leisure Studies”.

Now, I’m not talking about a degree like the PhD I have in “Sitting on my ass and doing nothing”. I’m telling you that this woman is a doctoral candidate at Yeshiva University now that she has her M.A. from NYU.

She belongs to a group that calls themselves Take Back Your Time and sponsors the Take Back Your Vacation Initiative.

Today at the HuffPo she has a post about the “Leisure Famine” going on in America.

In her “educated” opinion, the only solution is for all people, men and women, and boys and girls in their state sponsored primary schools, to be educated on how to sit around on their asses doing nothing.

Ooops, I mean “achieving a State of Leisure”.

But at least we can all rest assured that neither Ms. Link or her friends at Take Back Your Time are going to over-work themselves making sure this comes to pass. Otherwise they’d be hypocrites.

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2 Responses to I never knew the degree even existed

  1. WinMag says:

    I’ve been logging butt time for years. I’ll bet I have enough “life experiance ” credits for at least a masters degree. And my boss told me I was wasting time, sheesh.

  2. Rivrdog says:

    Well, didn’t we survive the flowering, then passing of the Est movement out of Big Sur, CA, which said all of this 25 years ago via the Essalen Institute?

    Oh, no we didn’t, the Est movement gave us the New Age, and their followers, who have been to see Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds many times.

    Ignore them, they are damaged goods. Sooner or later, their Mothership will arrive, and cart them all off. Just drink this Kool-aid, son, and lay down with this bandanna over your head…..

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