He Won’t let anything stand in the way of Utopia

Not even the Bill of Rights

Dennis Herrera, City Attorney for San Francisco is moving full speed ahead with the stepping on the civil rights of those who pay for his employment.

“I intend to vigorously defend our commonsense City ordinances that protect public safety from gun violence. On the basis of the law as it exists today, I am confident that our local gun control measures are on sound legal footing and will survive legal challenges.

Ahh yes, those “common sense City ordinances” like a gun confiscation quota and no legally owned and carried firearms on city property.

Just how have those been working for you all, Herrera? Apparently so well that you keep having to come up with more of them when the first ones don’t actually work.

“Having said that, I am considerably less confident about what may happen as this Supreme Court’s conservative majority takes up Second Amendment issues in the future.

Which “conservative majority” is he talking about? After all, each of the nine Justices agreed that the 2nd Amendment is an individual right? While that is a majority, only the most hardened Marxist would consider more than five of the Justices “conservative”.

But maybe Herrera is a hardened Marxist?

“With its ruling in Heller, the U.S. Supreme Court identified an individual right in the Second Amendment that no court ever held to exist in two centuries until this case.

His law school perfessers should be allowed to go whack him on the back of the head after saying that.

“So, while nothing in Heller invalidates or even endangers gun restrictions in San Francisco, I’m deeply concerned about this Court’s direction, and how it may affect laws intended to protect public safety in the future.”

From what I can see, your public is considerably less safe now than they would be if you and Newsome would quit disarming them.

On a less serious note, I just can’t take this guy seriously. His picture looks as though Steve Carrell is trying to impersonate Stephen Colbert. In high school. On Senior Picture Day.

I almost couldn’t read the article, I was laughing so hard when I saw it.

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4 Responses to He Won’t let anything stand in the way of Utopia

  1. WinMag says:

    Someone ought to make a movie about a tough, no nonsense cop who carries a large caliber pistol, does not follow procedure, and kills bad guys in San Fran.

  2. Phil says:

    I whole heartedly agree. And I nominate John Milius and Dean Reisner to write it.

    I’ve heard they’ve written some good stuff.

    (ok, ok, so Reisner passed away in 2002)

  3. Even my wife, who thinks guns are icky, thinks the SF Ban is unfair to people living in public housing.

  4. Pingback: QOTD – The importance of a good head shot. « Squeaky Wheel Seeks Grease

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