The anonymous gay plaintiff in the San Francisco gun-ban case is named Guy Montag Doe.
For those who don’t get it, the name refers to the protagonist of this book.
Kudos to Jason Davis of Trutanich-Michel, who came up with the idea.
The anonymous gay plaintiff in the San Francisco gun-ban case is named Guy Montag Doe.
For those who don’t get it, the name refers to the protagonist of this book.
Kudos to Jason Davis of Trutanich-Michel, who came up with the idea.
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Oh dear lord… that is priceless. And, worse, it took you reminding me to remember that, even though I have seen the name repeatedly in the news and knew I should know it for some reason…
Sad that nobody in the news business seems to have picked up on it, either….
Night time at Knob Creek?
EMDFL, I’m not sure, I just grabbed a “Fahrenheit 451” pic off Google.
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