Tis a Pity He is Irrelevant

Actually, I’m RATher relieved that news anchors no long hold as much sway over the TV watching public as this jackass did, so the post title is untrue.

In fact, these days Cronkite is so insignificant, you quite probably were lucky enough to have missed his teaming up with David Krieger, President of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, and “issuing a statement” demanding retreat from Iraq.

Ill link to it, but I’m not gonna quote it, mostly because I care for your sanity. That and because it is the same old drivel The Other Side has been spewing since March 2003.

However, I’d like to say that, due to my lack of intarweb connectivness over the weekend that it was hard drive housekeeping time and I spent a decent number of hours looking through old files before clearing them away.

Not only are the drool-points that Cronkite and Krieger posted the exact same things I was reading from those 12 and 18 month old posts, but when I finally got the web back I had to re-read their post to make sure the leftoid site I found it at had gottent heir days mixed up.

Also, I found a number of posts from almost exactly a year ago that never made it to the front page here at RNS. I’d just like to say that from what the leftosphere was writing back then, if they’d have known then just what a bunch of cowardly turds they had elected, they’d have most likely committed mass suicide.

Oh sure, three were a few pessimists in the bunch, but it is an easy 5-or-6 to one ratio of gloating happy-jacks, bragging about how the nation had finally awoken from it’s idiocy. I found more than a few who had predicted that Bush would be impeached and/or that there would be no US soldiers in Iraq by today. I even found one asshole who hoped that it would be because of a massive killing spree by Iraqis that forced our withdrawal.

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