RNS Quote of the Day: 12/17/07

Today’s quote could be sub-categorized under: Head up ass. Full Speed Ahead.

But this is supposedly a family blog and we don’t yet have that category.

On with the quote, which I found at Joe’s place

I am not a criminologist and I am aware that there is a body of evidence, especially in the US that shows that gun bans or even gun control does not substantially affect the crime rate. I don’t know if any studies have been done in Ghana but my point is that from a commonsense point of view, if we take out guns, although violent crime may not be reduced, fatalities will be lessened. A sling does not have the same effect as an AK47!


There must be many different strategies to bring the spate of gun killings to an end but the surest one is to take out the weapon out of the hands of the criminals. This means total ban on the manufacture, sale and private possession of guns and assault weapons —in effect to restrict their possession to law enforcement officers.

Therefore the unpalatable conclusion must be that gun control has failed and has to be replaced by a complete gun ban at least for a period of time preceded by a campaign against gun use and ownership and an amnesty for the handing in of illegal guns. Let us try this, or perhaps the cry ought to be let is try anything. Doing nothing is not an option.

I could go on and on with suggestions that aren’t “nothing” and that do not invole violating the human rights of the law abiding to protect themselves, but you’ve all heard those.

So take some time and click on over here and read the rest of this post. It is amazing how those suffering from Rectal-Cranial Impaction can still type. I’d like to credit modern medical science, but that is one disability I can do without.

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One Response to RNS Quote of the Day: 12/17/07

  1. Rivrdog says:

    In the hosehead’s final paragraph, he says that gun control failed, so it must be replaced with (you guessed it), more gun control. Now, if Islam had any REAL nads, they wouldn’t just cut off the hands of thieves, they would cut out the tongues of liars and logic-abusers such as this writer.

    BTW, the guy TOTALLY ignores the fact that most criminals don’t buy their guns in gun shops, which are regulated, they buy them on the street, where they are not.

    As a full-career retired cop, I’m here to tell you that the only way we will ever get guns out of the hands criminals is to permit summary execution of the crook by the arresting officer who finds an illegal gun. As an exercise in whimsy, I ran a contest while in Police Academy where contestants had to design the shortest possible summary execution form. Mine had only seven blocks to fill in, AND IT DID NOT WIN!

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