I know Halloween is long gone

But do you want to hear something scary?

The leftosphere has so invested in failure in Iraq, and infected the Dem controlled Congress with their emotive demand for failure in Iraq that they seriously believe the news coverage of Iraqi refugees returning to their home country is staged because, get this, the MSM is covering it.

FireDogLake frontpager, Scarecrow, last Friday

The US military in Iraq has invested a lot of media effort trying to convince not only Americans but also Iraqis to believe we’re making so much progress in reducing violence that displaced Iraqis can begin returning home. It’s a strategy apparently based on the bootstrap theory that if you can convince enough people that things are better, people will actually start to behave as though things really are better.
So it is with some irony that the New York Times’ Michael Gordon co-authors this story reporting the US military’s frustration with the problem of returning refugees, something both the US and the Iraqi authorities are pointing to as a sign of progress. But when bus loads of Iraqi refugees recently returned from Syria – an event probably staged for the media given the mainstream coverage – the returning refugees often had no where to go.

Do you hear that? The US military has once again failed in the eyes of the left, because they were successful in stepping on the nuts of the enemy.

Btw, Michael Yon emailed Glenn Reynolds last Thursday to tell him this

Just returned from the Syria border back to Mosul. It would take a conspiracy to hide the progress in Iraq.

Now we all know at least one conspiracy theory that the left would never buy into.

And speaking of stepping on nuts, the leader of the moonbataria at FDL, Jane Hamsher, doesn’t really like that CNN brought up MoveOn’s “General Betrayus” ad again.

I group such wingnut blather that issues forth from reporters into two categories: (1) things they say because they’re just repeating what conventional wisdom is in their circles, and (2) bullshit they know to be untrue but don’t defy because that’s the price of membership to the club.

Nobody thought this was a “huge news story” until Karl Rove and other GOP operatives sat down with their little speed dialers and began pressing journalists to “care” about it.

That is not how I remember it. Hell, before I made it home from work that morning (0630 PST) it was on the bottom of the hour radio news and was on the local TV affiliate’s top of the hour before I went to sleep (0900 PST).

How painful it must be to live so far out of reality that you have to rewrite history.

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One Response to I know Halloween is long gone

  1. Rivrdog says:

    Rewriting history: Ever since Karl Marx and his invention of the Big Lie technique of propaganda, Leftoons everywhere have given themselves over to re-writing history.

    The main duty of righty bloggers everywhere should ALWAYS be to point out these re-writes, to hammer on them until nausea sets in. At some point, the technique of repeating something often enough will overcome the Big Lie, and the truth will out.

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