That was more of a morning than I was bargaining for.

Went and did the workout thing, then off to the optometrist for new spectacles.

Now, not only am I having to get the wife proofread this before I hit “publish”, but I’m so dilated that I think there is at least one law against doing what I did to get home.

Since when did it not become optional to get dilated?

We had a pretty damn good election yesterday, but me telling you about it is going to have to wait. For I just cannot type like this for very much longer, lest I go mad.

On the morrow then, ladies and gents.

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4 Responses to OK

  1. DirtCrashr says:

    I managed to avoid it for the past four years but succumbed last week, at least it was dark and overcast driving home in my sunglasses…

  2. Rivrdog says:

    As I hear it from my eye doc, unless you’re diabetic, and they HAVE to dilate to do the test then, it is optional.

    Your eye doc can charge your HMO more when he/she dilates, and that’s all there is to it.

    I told ’em no for years, and they were happy, but when my regular doc said they need to do that to check for glaucoma ’cause I’m diabetic, I relented and now have it done, because glaucoma IS one of the things that almost invariably happens to diabetics.

    MY test for glaucoma is with a M1911A1: if I can still hit with those awful GI sights, my peepers are good enough for me. Since I can still manage 3″ groups with it, I’m good to go.

  3. Linoge says:

    Had my eyes dilated once… going to do everything I can to avoid doing it ever again in the future. Be nice if they expended a little effort in finding a drug to de-dilate them…

  4. Rivrdog says:

    All kinds of those drugs, Linoge. They sell ’em on most street corners in the parts of town where you carry a big-bore pistol.

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