Its In Their Pipe Now

But will they gather the balls to light it?

If you have a TV you can’t get away from those DividedWeFail.Org commercials with children demanding that candidates “actually fix health care and Social Security” and not just wander around on the campaign trail saying they will.

That these commercials are funded by the AARP and the dollars of retirees is a hilarious point that I don’t believe is fully grasped by them.

So as of last Friday Fred Thompson has put his plan on the table.

Any reaction from those bozos?


Not really surprising as the AARP is simply an organ of the Democrat Party and will ignore Thompson’s plan while they wait for one of the Democrats to put something half-assed up that they can trumpet as the be-all, end-all of plans to save SSI.

Currently, only Obama has anything out on the topic and it is in response to Thompson’s idea. Obama’s idea basically consists of higher payroll taxes, especially on “The Rich”. Other that, or as Cap’n Ed says “Without specific counterproposals, this may wind up like 2005 all over again, with Democrats insisting that Social Security needs no fixing at all.”

That’d be funny to watch this all blow up back in the faces of the AARP.

I know its “Pollyanna-ish” but it’d just be nice if the AARP would be at least a little more honest about their leanings and what they’re doing with their member’s money.

Myself, I got out of high school knowing that SSI wouldn’t be there for me and that I’d be made to pay dearly for the lazy ahead of me. Too bad an entire generation expects something unconstitutional from the government a large number of them spent a large number of years wishing it would puff out of existence. They “opened their minds” so much their fucking brains fell out.

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One Response to Its In Their Pipe Now

  1. Rivrdog says:

    According to my almost-doctor-daughter, who is one of the young libs pushing “health care is a right” dogma, the AMA just voted, AGAIN, that such is NOT their position, and that the present system needs only a tune-up at most and should be left alone.

    It wasn’t all bad for the young nearly-md, though, she got to go to Hawaii to the convention to try to convince the AMA that they needed to go Socialist. Might be interesting to see who is bankrolling such high living on the lefty attempt.

    Maybe I’ll ask her when I pick her up from the airport. She owes me for the airport limo bit and catsitting her pet for a week.

    This is my response to all the socialize-medicine-now freaks like her: just ask them where in the Constitution the “right to health care” lies. If it’s an actual “right”, it must be in the Constitution somewhere, right?

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