
These people consider themselves “The Moderate Center”

While it appears from more than one point of view that the War in Iraq and the War on Terror are situations from which we may never be able to extricate ourselves, from the mountains of Pakistan comes a very simple solution: convert to Islam.

Before we reject this out of hand, lets seriously consider it for a moment:  Osama Bin Laden promised the wars would be over if Americans convert to Islam.

This may sound like a lot to ask from the most religious country in the industrialized world.  But of all the Christians in America today who profess to be religious, how many of us are seriously devout?

Easy as one, two, BANG!

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5 Responses to Remember

  1. Merle says:

    Let them convert – then ship them to Pakistan!!!


  2. AughtSix says:

    Okay, I thought the premise* of Ferrigno’s Prayers For The Assassin was a bit far-fetched. But, apparently it’s not quite as far-fetched as I thought.

  3. Kevin S. says:

    That has to be a joke. Nobody is that craven, right? Right?

  4. Kristopher says:

    It was a satire piece snuck onto the site … note the “poll” only allows one choice.

  5. Phil says:

    Just because, as Ace said, it borders on parody does not mean it is a plant.

    30 hours later and it is still there, after heavy linkage by right-leaning blogs.

    Do you read the dKos everyday? Most of their crap sounds just this stupid/crazy. Either they have a lot of satirists or they do just want a loss in the Middle East at any cost.

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