Getting ahead of themselves

The local mass transit affectionados are gearing up their campaign to try and convince the citizenry that a humongous tax increase that would last a minimum of 30 years and cost upwards of $157 Billion and would pay for nearly no mass transit in the form of light rail and wouldn’t be done until for 50 years.

However, I think they’re putting the cart before the horse on this one after reading this

Jim Portillo walks in the roadway, just a few feet from passing cars, because there are no sidewalks along his Greenwood street. Portillo, 31, is blind.

Sweeping the area ahead left to right with a white cane, he avoids the roadway’s gravel shoulder — if it exists at all — because ditches or parked cars frequently interrupt the path.

He shrugs and says he’s been dealing with the danger for five years.

“There’s not a lot of room between me and traffic,” he says. “Every now and then you wonder about some drivers.”

Forty percent of Seattle streets lack full sidewalks on both sides of the road — totaling 650 miles, the city estimates.

In a city that doesn’t have a sidewalk on over one-third of the streets, putting in a few miles of light rail seems, to me anyway, a mismanagement of the city infrastructure dollars.

Oh wait, the light rail they’re currently putting in, was mostly funded by you folks who AREN’T in Washington through the grant our senior Senator, Patty “Osama bin Laden Builds Daycares” Murray, who just so happens to run the Senate Transportation Committee.

So, even though I’ll ever ride the damn thing, I guess thanks are in order.

Link found at Sound Politics. They have one of the “NO on Prop 1” ads over there for your viewing pleasure.

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