The Leader of the Pack

Local Seattle area blogger and hypocrite, Goldy of RonSimsAss.Org, who believes that election corruption is a good thing, so long as A) It is only just a little bit of corruption, and B) Said elections office is run by Democrats, decided to try and play victim yesterday.

Yes, even in a state where Democrats win and win big, he figured he’d rile the troops up by linking to a whining fellow local leftist who blogs as “Jesus’ Generalâ€? (but oddly enough, doesn’t link to the guy).

You see, General Whiner is sad about the torture of terrorists and crushed by collateral damage numbers, ignorant enough to think that White Phosphorus is a chemical weapon and obsessed enough to think that Bush is trying to set up a theocracy here in the US via the minority ‘Christian Right’. The General says that “I can’t bear the thought of my grandson living in the world these bastards are creating. We have to do all we can to defeat them.�

As I snicker, I remember that I live in the second or third most socially ignorant location in the country, Seattle, and that this is what I am up against when dealing with these imbeciles.

I snap back into reality, only to read this line from Goldy,

Which raises the question… are we progressives really willing to do all we can to defeat them? I mean… everything?

First, let me say that, no Goldy, you and your bunch of pussies are not up for dealing with folks such as myself. You all have been screaming for a revolution against “The Manâ€? or “The Systemâ€? for four decades, and yet none of you can gather up the balls to do a damn thing other than whine, bitch and moan.

And since the General is ‘Whine’ and you’re ‘Bitch’ all I need to do is figure out who moan is, I’ll have a trifecta of local leftists.

But back to Goldy’s place.

His commenters jump right on top of their refound victimhood and first go into discussing illegal electioneering tactics so that the Repubs have a difficult time getting elected, and that is followed up by the demand that folks on the left arm themselves so as to be ‘equal’ to folks on the right.

What a nice group of folks we got up here, huh?

So go ahead, Goldy, keep on encouraging your readers to make stupid comments and stupid electoral decisions.

When the Dems and the Greens (aka: two faces of the same socialist coin) finally elect out all of the Repubs from Washington and decide it is now time to start repressing the folks who still vote that way with more and more threats and physical action like we saw during the last presidential campaign, we’ll see who the fascists truly are.

(Here’s a tip, no matter what Neiwert says, history shows us that you cannot be a fascist without first being a socialist.)

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5 Responses to The Leader of the Pack

  1. great post! yes goldy has gone off the deep end and it was a very very short trip.
    lemmings come to mind.
    very nice blog you have here……..

  2. Kyle says:

    Personally, I love this stuff. If they TRY any of this shit it would last for about five seconds, and then they’d just be a memory. Whereas I will live and let live, they can’t handle the idea that I disagree with them.

  3. Rivrdog says:

    Yep, and Portland is a mirror of Seattle. Your post reminded me of a little thing that happened back in the summer of ’04, during the election campaign.

    Pres. Bush was scheduled to come here to “Little Beirut”, and give a speech at the University of Portland (a private, Catholic university), and then fly out. During the run-up to the visit, our local IndyMindless blog was full of all the plans of disruption that were being touted by the black-shirt gang.

    The hard-core anarchists couldn’t resist letting their plans out also, and they involved infiltrating into the area (they won’t march en bloc anymore, because the flying-squad tactics of the Police Bureau are too advanced for them) through a blue-collar neighborhood near the University.

    They may be blue collar, but the residents there also use computers (Portland is quite the wired city), and they read of the IndyIdiot plans.

    One of them called a local TV station, and invited the members of the press in to see his preparations for invasion. He had a shotgun and good quantity of ammo at the ready, and had moved the furniture back from the windows of his little bungalow to improve firing out from them, and had also cut back some shrubs to give himself a better field of fire. The reporter stuck a mike in the 75-year old retiree’s face and asked him if he would really fire on the anarchists if they were rioting in his neighborhood. I don’t remember his words now, but they were affirmative and convincing.

    Immediately, the PPB made a new plan to suppress the infiltration plan, and when the big day arrived, the Black Shirt gang was conspicuously absent from the entire area.

    One man, having decided to stand his ground and defend his residence from riot damage with deadly force, buffaloed an entire gang which, up to then, had earned it’s notoriety as the worst of the worst.

    This brings to mind a tactic that might prove useful: when there is a threatened riot, if the neighbors get together and decide on a defense strategy, they should cap it off by a little demonstration: Every neighbor puts a chair out on his front lawn, and at a given time, sits in it with a CARDBOARD long arm. The press would be invited to drive down the street, but would first be shown the large sign at the end of the block:

    “This block will resist riot with deadly force. Today you see simulated weapons, but be assured that all those bearing sim arms now have the real thing to use when required.”

    Something similar to this was done in Texas after Hurricane Rita, and it worked.

  4. Rivrdog says:

    I love the idea of the Left arming itself: that will be the end of the gun-banners, as they will lose the support of the newly-armed lefties that used to be their bread and butter.

    The tradeoff of having a few more guns to face when the SHTF is acceptable, because I will be better armed and better trained and better supplied with ammo than 99% of the new lefty thugs, and I will improve quicly from my already-trained state by having plenty of targets to engage.

    Since I’m one who believes that there WILL be a SHTF scenario, I won’t suffer any anxiety in waiting for it.

    BTW, here’s the Oregon law on armed riot or insurrection: any rioting crowd accompanied by armed individuals is automatically a target for armed engagement, since the law presupposes that such arms in the hands of rioters will make their unlawful purpose change from property damage (where armed intervention is not permitted) to deadly assault (where armed intervention is expected), and the law permits you to fire first when you are in fear of such deadly assault.

  5. The lefties are all wind when it comes to actually doing anything. Arming themselve? Not bloody likely. Most are absolutely horrified by weapons.

    But, it is interesting that they tossed that idea into the mix.

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