It keeps me out of trouble

And decently cashflowed

If left to my own devices I might actually have too much of a good time, which has a tendency to lead to a “bad time”. So I hold down a steady bit of employment.

But a Canadian friend of dKos poster LithiumCola thinks we should all turn into couch potatoes

You pay all these taxes but you don’t want anything in return for it. You don’t want free health care. You don’t want time off of work. You don’t want anything. You’re not selfish enough.

You get mad when someone is taking welfare and sitting on their ass. What have you got against sitting on your ass? The whole point behind having a government and paying taxes is to have more time to sit on your ass. That’s what technology is for. You Americans work longer than anyone, pay all these taxes, make all these robots, and then not only don’t you sit on your ass, but you get mad when anyone else does. You’re fucking crazy.

If I had a long enough arm, I’d reach out and slap this jackass. Btw, there are another dozen or so paragraphs that follow in the same vein. I, like Cassy at Wizbang, was having a difficult time believing this was a serious post. Until I read the comments.

The only reason for having a government at all can be covered in two words: Law and Order.

Someone has to be given the responsibility to deal with passage and enforcement of commonly agreed upon societal rules, as well as the internment of those who break them.

Likewise, disputes between individuals need an unbiased arbitrator.

Lastly, someone needs to maintain a group for the defense of the society from forces that would seek to destroy it.

And there are taxes that need to be collected to be paid for those things.

Anything more, licensing, infrastructure, etcetera, need to be agreed upon by the society through democratic methods.

And that is all.

I don’t rely upon my government to give me more time off from work or to pay for my doctor. I work so that I can earn the money for the doctor and my employer rewards me for being a good employee by giving me additional monetary reimbursement in the form of paid vacation days.

If I wasn’t paying for someone else’s heath care, I’m sure my taxes would go down. Likewise, if even half of the items not mentioned in the Constitution we’re discontinued, my taxes would drop by a significant amount.

And if they were handed off to a private entity, they’d probably get done more quickly and for less money.

What kind of drugs do these people smoke/sniff/inject to make them this illiterate as to the proper role of government?

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2 Responses to It keeps me out of trouble

  1. I don’t object to anyone sitting around on their asses.

    I just object to my tax money being used to give them an income that allows them to sit on their asses without having to work for it.

  2. HKpistole says:

    eh.. ah, oh dammit. I was gonna say that, Heartless Libertarian!

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