I would just like to take a moment

And actually thank NPR for something.

You see, they did a story on how the economy is making folks pinch pennies in their food budget, and one of the households they interviewed was the Nunez household.


That is the Nunez household. This is what was written about them by NPR reporter Yuki Noguchi

Nunez’s van broke down last fall. Now, her 19-year-old daughter has no reliable transportation out of their subsidized housing complex in Fostoria, 40 miles south of Toledo, to look for a job.


Nunez, 40, has never worked and has no high school degree. She says a car accident 17 years ago left her depressed and disabled, incapable of getting a job. Instead, she and her daughter, Angelica Hernandez, survive on a $637 Social Security check and $102 in food stamps.

When you’re surviving off around $700 of food per month, it takes a lot of non-movement to get looking like that.

When people who work and pay taxes and are actually having to tighten their budgets because of fuel and food costs see pictures like this attached to articles such as that, they tend to get a bit pissed off and not vote for liberals.

Proto-socialist voters will always see those two as permanent teat suckers and vote for their liberal candidates just as pro-Capitalists will vote for the least liberal candidate.

So that thank you NPR for helping the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy.

The leftards already think that you’re part of it anyway, so you really didn’t lose anything.

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One Response to I would just like to take a moment

  1. CAshane says:

    How does someone who has never worked collect Social Security? Don’t you need to have contributed to collect? And how does she collect at 40? Damn, don’t I have to wait till I’m 65 (or did Clinton raise that to 70?) to get some of my money back?

    (I know, I’m full of questions today…)

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