Calling it what it is

Eco-Terrorism at Seattle’s Green Lake Park.

Apparently, someone believes that nature is for looking at from a distance, and not for enjoying.

The discovery of more than three dozen machine-sharpened spikes at the Green Lake Park boating center has prompted the city of Seattle to post warnings to would-be swimmers.

A handful of spikes — metal rods roughly 2 or 3 feet long — were found Sunday night by a man wading near the boating center at the south end of the lake. After he alerted city parks staff, Seattle police divers on Monday found 39 spikes buried in the lake bottom, with sharp points sticking up.

“We’re horrified,” said city parks spokeswoman Dewey Potter. “There can’t be any other explanation than malice that we can think of.”

This mirrors the eco-terrorists move a few years back of spiking the shallow portions of rivers in the area to discourage both rafting/tubing and fishing.

When a society raises their children to believe that humans are what is wrong with the world, and that only people who care enough about the planet are righteous enough to enjoy it’s natural resources, they have no difficulty in harming people to “protect the planet”.

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11 Responses to Calling it what it is

  1. Old Soldier says:

    This is scary. Sounds kinda like the pits we encountered in Viet Nam. Hope they find the bastards who did this.

  2. Merle says:

    Yeah – I hope they find those ***holes impaled on the spikes!!!


  3. DirtCrashr says:

    The sick homicidal bastard needs to be caught and tied to a tree… The eco-loons have done similar things to trails for bikers.
    Look at the freaking picture, the “lake” is surrounded by the city – is it even a natural lake or something dug for public recreation with a backhoe? Sick f*cks.

  4. DFWMTX says:

    I fully expect the next genocidal campaign to come from enviromentalists.

  5. Mollbot says:

    Green Lake is natural; the city grew around it within the last century. Not that that is any excuse for doing something that blatantly stupid.

  6. Mollbot says:

    From Wikipedia (I know it’s not always perfect but I’m pretty sure they’ve got this right):

    “It [Green Lake] is a glacial lake, its basin having been dug 50,000 years ago by the Vashon glacier, which also created Lake Washington, Lake Union, and Bitter and Haller Lakes.”

  7. dogtulosba says:

    I’m glad it’s not Cross Country season, yet. We’d always toss freshmen in the lake at either the aquatheater, or the other three docks along the way. I’m sure the tradition is carried on…

  8. dogtulosba says:

    I always thought Green Lake was man-made, not that I can find proof like wiki…

  9. Kyle says:

    Nope, it’s natural. My grandfather used to fish there in the ’20s when Wallingford was just a bunch of apple orchards.

  10. Craig says:

    You don’t really think this guy would be convicted of anything in Seattle do you? Unlikely to even be charged if found with the “leaders” of Seattle these days…

  11. Pingback: Random Nuclear Strikes » Never mind the sharp, pointy things

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