Always with the blame

Sure, the guy has nowhere near a perfect Executive Record, but come on

In this political year, both sides have embraced boilerplate responses to low approval numbers. White House aides are now well-practiced in responding to questions about President Bush’s low numbers. Yeah, they say, but the Democratic Congress has even lower numbers.

Yeah, say the Democrats, but it’s the president’s fault.

“Any time, I repeat, any time you have a president that is down so, so far in poll numbers, it drags down a city council member,” said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev. “It drags down any elected official, including us, and we recognize that.”

Reid does have a point. Unfortunately, it is on the top of his head and he uses it to make the daily rectal insertion ritual less painful.

He and Pelosi are having so much trouble keeping their fellow Congressional Dems in line they’re having to resort to threatening the “Oil-Patch Democrats” who want more drilling and digging.

And speaking of threats from Dirrty Harry and SanFranNan

The Senate Democratic leadership summoned the chiefs of 17 major trade associations to the Capitol on Wednesday to send a subtle but unmistakable message: If you want our help on your issues, stop helping the Republicans block our bills.

Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.), who managed the meeting for the leadership, called in the CEOs of the city’s most powerful trade associations to circumvent what Democrats consider their more partisan lobbyists — many of whom are Republicans with long-standing ties to the power structure that got toppled in 2006.

On the surface, the meeting had a cordial, even cheerful, tone, according to participants. There were professions of appreciation for the times when the business groups have supported Democratic ideas and promises to work together cooperatively whenever possible.

But the concerns driving the meeting were obvious: Democrats wanted to remind the business advocates that there is a new sheriff in town and that they should stop playing by the old rules.

They’re demanding that the old rules be changed so that where it used to say Republican, it now says Democrat. In two years, the Dems, thankfully, haven’t been able to stop playing grabass enough to gather a base of power to work with.

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