The Soundboard: David’s Picks

I meant to start this last week, but getting caught up at work after the Boomershoot trip was kicking my ass and it slipped my mind. Oh well, this should be worth the wait.

As a general announcement for those out there who have not yet met me, I have a serious lack of social skills. The customs and cues that most folks take for granted are, for the most part, completely lost on me. I’ve got the “Please” and “Thank You” items down, in a number of languages even. However, I laugh at the wrong parts of jokes, or mistake serious conversations as jokes, or will sprach jokes that no one else on the planet will find funny and could quite possibly land me in The Hague, and have no problem saying “Tough Shit” to nuns.

The Wife finds this “cute”. Most of the time. Which is nice because I find her cute all of the time. But those who don’t know how to translate generally just find it annoying. While this makes me prime blogging material, going grocery shopping is not something I should be allowed to do alone. Not even at the Super Wal-Mart.

During my 36 years on this planet I’ve most likely insulted more people accidentally than I have on purpose, which is saying something. Events like Boomershoot are a test as to see how long I can behave “normally” before I get into trouble. As an example, it took both David and Dave to explain to me why bringing strippers might not be seen as humorous or entertaining by everyone in attendance.

So, if you’d like to be accidentally or even purposely insulted by me and cannot wait until the 2009 Boomershoot, I’ll be on general display in Reno, NV at the Gunblogger Rendezvous this October. I’ve been told that I won’t have to bring strippers to Reno with me because they have a number of them there already.

One place that I have found where I can hopefully at least seem somewhat normal is in the realm of tunage. Though at times even there my fanaticism gets me discounted because there is just some shit I refuse to bother my ears with. This can also be prime blogging material, because turning someone onto something they might not have heard otherwise is one of the nicest things one person can do.

David and I exchanged a number of items during Boomershoot. One of the items I gave him was a fat stack of CD’s that I’d made up to try and help make his 11+ hour drive home more enjoyable. I understand that the effort was successful.

Until somewhat recently, due to the suckitude of his previous home PC, David was unable to listen to these Soundboard postings and was having to search out these tracks on his own. A number of the CD’s I handed him contained the tracks he might not of been able to track down.

For the foreseeable future (aka: the next few weeks) David will be spinning the discs and making the selections for the Soundboard. If he gets a few minutes to write something up on it, I’ll post it with that and you all won’t have to deal with as lame an intro as this one. We hope you enjoy.

Today’s selection is off the first Weapons of Mass Creation album, put out by the UK’s Hospital Records. You can find it here.

Goldfinger – LaRoque

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2 Responses to The Soundboard: David’s Picks

  1. David says:

    I listened to this pretty much every day on the drive up from Orofino to the Boomershoot site. Often multiple times in a row.

    Incidentally, Phil doth protest a bit too much; I think he mistakes the general social reticience sported by most of we geeks to be something unique to him. He’s actually a really nice guy and quite witty.

    But then, I have a really warped sense of humor, so who’s to say?

  2. Phil says:

    Oh, I clean up rather well and know how to act around folks I’ve met previously, but those little store apes in the aisles run when I growl.

    And if they don’t run they find themselves hanging on the racks with a shoe in their maw.

    But he’s not kidding. David really does have a warped sense of humor. He laughed at my “warm/cold woman” quip.

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