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Daily Archives: May 29, 2008
The Soundboard: Share and Share Alike
I shared music with David, now he will share it with you. And to top it off, I’m going to share some more. David really liked this track from the Afghan Whigs’s 4th studio album: Gentlemen Debonair – Afghan Whigs … Continue reading
Posted in Kewel!
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The Neverending Discussion
The back and forth over the ineffectiveness of the 5.56 M855 cartridge hit the AP wire yesterday As Sgt. Joe Higgins patrolled the streets of Saba al-Bor, a tough town north of Baghdad, he was armed with bullets that had … Continue reading
Posted in Have Gun, Will Travel, Kewel!, Uncategorized
Head Up Ass
And full speed ahead Garrison Keillor thinks he can see the individual trees inside the forest, but all he is actually seeing the fecal matter stuck to his eyelashes. Three-hundred thousand bikers spent Memorial Day weekend roaring around Washington in … Continue reading
More terrorist chic?
Unlike some people in the sphere, I don’t get all worked up about people wearing Keffaiahs. I just treat them just like I do those who wear pictures of the murderer Guevara: As ignorant simps, not worthy of my time. … Continue reading
Posted in Kewel!, Uncategorized
Who needs a holiday?
I’ll be treating this particular Thursday like, well, a Thursday Conservative grassroots group wants people to waste as much energy as possible on June 12 by “hosting a barbecue, going for a drive, watching television, leaving a few lights … Continue reading