RNS Quote of the Day: 05/27/08

If I had unlimited time, I would have been spreading this sentiment about the leftosphere for the last couple of years.

Since I don’t, I simply utter it under my breath whenever I read complaints about the price of gas on a leftwing blog.

Which is every single gotdamn day.

If we want low gas prices, we should lower the costs of exploration and refining. If lowering those costs has environmental costs you don’t like, stop complaining and get on your bicycle.

Russell Roberts at Cafe Hayek

Help me spread the love to the leftosphere and anywhere else it is needed.

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5 Responses to RNS Quote of the Day: 05/27/08

  1. Rivrdog says:

    Good riposte. Much better than my Mark One Mod Zero:

    If you don’t want to pay for the fuel, perhaps you would volunteer to walk and push a wheelbarrow?

  2. Windy Wilson says:

    Much better repostes than what I thought of, which is, “you can’t repeal the law of supply and demand. Make more of it!” They have to think too hard

  3. MichigammeDave says:

    I’m a conservative, and I have no problem with the exploration and infrastructure costs. Legislature should get out of the way and let the grownups handle it.
    That said, I’ve been riding my bike to work lately and, surprisingly, find myself wanting to go home for lunch because it makes me feel good to get in the extra 2 miles a day! It’s a win-win.
    Actually, when I consider that I can ride a bike to work and still be a conservative, it’s a win-win-win!

  4. smokin says:

    We haven,t built a nuke plant or refinery in 40 Yrs because of the lib movement.About time we did it but it won,t happen because McCain seems to believe the BS about Global Warming and so do the rest of the dingdongs in DC. Don,t whine about prices if you have voted for a lib in the last 40 Yrs.

  5. M Larson says:

    Sorry, kids, you can’t even ride your bicycle – or did you imagine that the tires are natural rubber, or the lubricants are organically grown?

    The “environmentalists” want us all to revert to hunter-gatherers. They should lead by example.

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