Buying the Office

It seems that Obama is ready to spend big bucks and the DNCC is ready to shower HRC in rose petals in order to get her to drop out now

She has ruled it out, but a prompt withdrawal from the contest for the Democratic nomination offers Sen. Hillary Clinton the prospect of major rewards.

One of the most inviting is the near certainty that the Obama campaign would agree to pay back the $11.4 million she has loaned her own bid, along with an estimated $10 million to $15 million in unpaid campaign expenses.

In addition, Democrats, both those who are loyal and those who are opposed to her campaign, say the odds of her winning a top leadership spot in the Senate would improve dramatically if she gracefully conceded now. The icing on the cake includes an improved political climate, giving Hillary and Bill Clinton the opportunity to heal the rift with the black political community.

“If she leaves the stage gracefully, as Gore did in 2000, she will be able to rebuild her political capital within the party fairly quickly, and over time most of her perceived and real sins will be long forgiven and/or forgotten,” said Dan Gerstein, a Democratic consultant and Obama supporter.

So, $25 Million or thereabouts, her choice of Senate Committee Chairs and lip service from “The Black Community” if she puts her tail between her legs and concedes to the Obaminee in short order.

I do love how the Democrat Party is all “Count Every Vote” and “The people’s voice needs to be heard” until the voices start saying things they don’t want to hear. Tens of millions of registered Democrats have decided they want HRC to be the nominee, and I’m not even talking about the people in Michigan and Florida that the party is going to ignore. Millions more still have yet to even cast a Primary Election vote.

I guess that some votes are more equal than others.

Also, don’t go thinking I’m defending her on this, but since when is stating factual statistics from a poll “racist”?

They truly are treating her like a Republican now.

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3 Responses to Buying the Office

  1. Rivrdog says:

    You’re right. It’s hard to feel sorry for HRC, but she appears to have lost enough steam on the final pull to finish last in the race.

    I’m surprised, because I thought the Clinton War Room would have all the answers for Obama’s boys and girls.

    I guess what I underestimated the most was the fact that all the (D) pundits out there who say there is such a generic love for Bill were wrong. There is actually a lot of Lefty HATE out there for Bill.

    Bottom line, Obama organized the uber-Left and the kiddies better than the Clintons did.

    Maybe the REAL bottom line is that we have ALL gotten used to saying “the Clintons”, as in BOTH of them, as being the combo-candidate, and there was too much fear of that. If she had left Bill home, she might have made it, but too many (D)onks couldn’t get past the idea that she was going to be a second-banana President, that Bill would be the shadow President.

    So, my anti-union crusader, when are YOU going to conclude that the unions didn’t have it together either, and couldn’t deliver the votes for HRC?

  2. cREbralFIX says:

    “Also, don’t go thinking I’m defending her on this, but since when is stating factual statistics from a poll “racist”?”

    Ever since publishing the actual murder rates showed that 49% of all US murders were committed by blacks (citation: The Smallest Minority).

  3. Grumpy Old Ham says:

    “If she leaves the stage gracefully, as Gore did in 2000, …”, said Dan Gerstein, a Democratic consultant and Obama supporter.

    What the hell is *he* smoking? A “graceful exit” in 2000? It’s nearly a *decade* later, and the moonbats and Gorebiciles are still crying “Stolen Election!”

    Honestly, would any of these moonbats recognize truth even if it hit them with a 2×4 between the eyes?

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