At least it has one thing going for it

I’ve been hearing nothing but mediocre reviews from trusted sources about the the latest from the Indiana Jones franchise.

Effects = Eh.

Story = OK

Villains = Double eh.

But this news might be enough to get me to go see it instead of waiting for the DVD release.

Members of Russia’s Communist Party are calling for a nationwide boycott of the new Indiana Jones movie, saying it aims to undermine communist ideology and distort history.

“Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull” stars Harrison Ford as an archaeologist in 1957 competing with an evil KGB agent, played by Cate Blanchett, to find a skull endowed with mystic powers.

It hit Russian screens Thursday.

Communist Party members in St. Petersburg said on a web site this week that the Soviet Union in 1957 “did not send terrorists to the States,” but launched a satellite, “which evoked the admiration of the whole world.”

Moscow Communist lawmaker Andrei Andreyev said Saturday “it is very disturbing if talented directors want to provoke a new Cold War.”

These bozos are so used to getting their history from propaganda films that they seem to believe that Hollywood puts truckloads of actual historical facts in their products.

Its sad, really.

And with whom would this Andreyev character exactly be going to war against? Hollywood?

They’ve been making socialist propaganda films for years, you Soviet puke. But go right ahead and threaten them.

With this kind of reaction from the Russians, I can’t wait until the new Red Dawn hits theater screens.

Found at SayAnything

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2 Responses to At least it has one thing going for it

  1. Linoge says:

    I was thinking the same exact thing reading through the article… “What do they think this is, a gorramed historical documentary?” Evidently the concept of “fiction” is something Communists discarded long ago… right before “reason” and “logic”.

  2. Firehand says:

    Saw it this past Saturday, that pretty much sums it up. As one of the people said, “I’m glad I only paid $4 for the tickets.”

    As is too often the case anymore, a lot of bullcrap effects thrown in ‘just because’. I suspect Spielberg has decided his bowel movements have no aroma, and anything he does will be wonderful simply because HE did it.

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