Ain’t that a shame?

I’ve been annoyed at this advert hyping the Global Warming Myth.

There was another one out as well, featuring tax evader Al Sharpton and Pat Roberstson, but that one was shown to induce blindness, so I’m not going to waste my time or yours by posting it.

What really bothered me about this wasn’t that Gingrich has either fallen for they hype or is at least laying along with it (though that is thoroughly annoying).

It was that unlike Gingrich, Pelosi is actually in charge of one half of a branch of government. Little Miss Bubbly could actually do something about this issue that she supposedly cares so much about, but would rather giggle and smile and tell us private citizens to “do something about it” instead.

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m glad she is too stupid to figure this bit out. But having the current Speaker of the House of Representatives tell my fellow citizens that she is powerless really gets my blood up.

Thankfully, a release valve has been given to me: Laughter

A television ad in which the speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, and a former speaker, Newt Gingrich, warn about the dangers of climate change may violate federal election law, according to two campaign finance lawyers.

The spot, which shows Ms. Pelosi and Mr. Gingrich seated on a couch in front of the Capitol, is being questioned because the California Democrat faces a primary election June 3 in her San Francisco district.

“It’s prohibited,” a Republican campaign finance lawyer, Jan Baran, said. He said the ad constitutes a “coordinated” expenditure on behalf of Ms. Pelosi’s campaign by the group sponsoring the ad, the Alliance for Climate Protection. Any ad of that sort distributed in a candidate’s district within 90 days of a congressional primary or general election is deemed a campaign donation, Mr. Baran said.

“She’s in the ad. That means it’s coordinated,” a Republican attorney who battles to overturn campaign finance laws, James Bopp Jr., said. “I’m a guy that specializes in loopholes. I don’t know of any loopholes.”

Just the thought of Pelosi being caught up in a pseudo-scandal of this nature make me smile, since she voted for McCain-Feingold. Though I seriously doubt that the leftsosphere will rail against this thumbing of her nose at said law, once again showing their hypocrisy.

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