The last phrase you ever want to hear

“We’re from the government and we’re here to help you.”

That is what Bostonians are hearing this week

Police to search for guns in homes

Boston police are launching a program that will call upon parents in high-crime neighborhoods to allow detectives into their homes, without a warrant, to search for guns in their children’s bedrooms.

The program, which is already raising questions about civil liberties, is based on the premise that parents are so fearful of gun violence and the possibility that their own teenagers will be caught up in it that they will turn to police for help, even in their own households.

In the next two weeks, Boston police officers who are assigned to schools will begin going to homes where they believe teenagers might have guns. The officers will travel in groups of three, dress in plainclothes to avoid attracting negative attention, and ask the teenager’s parent or legal guardian for permission to search. If the parents say no, police said, the officers will leave.

If officers find a gun, police said, they will not charge the teenager with unlawful gun possession, unless the firearm is linked to a shooting or homicide.

“Mr. policeman, come search my child’s room, because I am afraid to.”

First the parents gave up the teaching of their children to the public school system. Then they gave up feeding their children, to the same system.

Now they’re turning the living area of their child, who is taught and fed by a stranger, over to another government agency.

Funny how much someone must truly despise their former “Pride and Joy” to give this much up.

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4 Responses to The last phrase you ever want to hear

  1. BobG says:

    So if a kid has drugs and firearms in his room, and his parents give permission for the police to take them, what do the parents think the kid is going to do to them when the police leave? Seems to me that if you have a druggee with a gun in your house, you would want the police to take him, also.

  2. BadIdeaGuy says:

    They already have this program in Philadelphia.

    I don’t consider it to be law enforcement. Even yesterday (when we defeated a few anti-2A bills in committee that the governor was pushing) our governor, Fat Eddie Rendell, was saying how all the existing laws are enforced with the fullest penalties (flat out BS).

    Really, doesn’t this policy give way more to the folks who seem ok with the state raising their kids? If someone had what I believe to be an “illegal” gun in my house, if it was my teenager, I’d search their room. If an adult, I’d ask them to leave my house. It’s more abdication of responsibility.

  3. BadIdeaGuy says:

    The more disturbing aspect is that, from the description of the Philly program, where “Experienced officers, trained to take a “low-key” approach, will then visit the property, speak to an adult resident, and request permission to search for illegal weapons”.

    Police specially trained on how to visit properties, question residents, and search for and remove guns. Hey, nothing to be alarmed about there!!!

  4. Ragin' Dave says:

    And when the little darling turns into a hoodlum, the parents might wail and cry, “Where did I go wrong?”

    Right about the time your kids realized that you were a snot-nosed little pussy who had no interest in raising them yourself, I’d say.

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