So now we’ll see

Won’t we?

After the loss of Congress for the Repubs in 2006, there were two schools of thought as to why it happened:

A. Iraq, Iraq and Iraq

B Corruption and Runaway Spending/Pork

Personally, I am still in the B column of folks, however, with the Democrat override of Bush’s veto on the pork-filled Water Works Appropriations bill, we’ll see just how fed up with out-of-control spending the American people really are.

The reaction on the floors of Congress was laughable. They complained that Bush had no problem spending money on the war in Iraq, but wouldn’t approve of a bill that grew over 50% in conference. One might have expected at least a few members to point out that arguing over who gets to spend the most money hardly gives Congress much credibility. It’s like watching spouses fight over spending by continually going to the mall.

Harry Reid extolled the value of legislatures while praising this veto override. He claimed that Bush had ignored Congress for seven years. If only we could ignore a Congress that refuses to exercise even a modicum of discipline on its spending processes. Under Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi, and unfortunately with the participation of Republicans in this instance, the legislative branch has proven itself an undisciplined compulsive-spending machine. Their override of this veto shows that a massive House- and Senate-cleansing is in order.

“Draining the Swap”?

More like “Training the Swamp”.

Oh, and run a check around the left-wing blogs. Not a fucking peep.

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