Since it is the long weekend

When y’all get a chance, stop for a moment and read up on this old link I found in My Bookmarks, where Michael Cannon gets into the numbers on just how socialized our medicine already is.

Congressional Democrats are trying to expand government health insurance to children who don’t need public assistance, while their party’s presidential hopefuls are concocting even grander schemes to achieve “universal coverage.”

“That’s socialized medicine!” cry the Republicans. President Bush asks whether we want a government-run health care system or a private system. Republican presidential hopeful Rudy Giuliani accuses Democrats for lusting after the socialized systems of Europe, Canada, and Cuba. In a recent television appearance, Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.) emphatically denied the suggestion that she supports socialized medicine.

Was Clinton being disingenuous, or are Democrats really trying to foist socialized medicine on the American people?

The question seems silly once you consider how socialized our health care system already is. Government already finances about half of Americans’ medical care, so you might say our system is already half-socialized. Yet we are much farther along the road to socialized medicine than even that would suggest.

Be afraid. Be very afraid.

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