Two wrongs and no rights

Everyone is, rightly, tongue lashing Kyl and McCain for saying that Shahzad shouldn’t have been read his Miranda rights.

US citizen captured on US soil. Unless you’re going to say that McVeigh and Nichols shouldn’t have been read their rights, you’re being a hypocrite.

But when the Bloomin’ Idiot Bloomberg goes and starts blathering about how people who have the same name as those who are tossed onto the Terror Watch List should have their right to keep and bear arms revoked, nobody says a damn thing.

Oh, that liberal media.

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3 Responses to Two wrongs and no rights

  1. Rivrdog says:

    Except that Bloomberg ignores the fact that this guy was on the watch list/no fly list for over 24 hours and Emirates Air Lines still sold him a ticket, ONE WAY, for CASH! Emirates, of course, claims it’s not their problem, that the “updates” to the list don’t come out often enough. They may be right, and anyway, there is no incentive to use an updated list.

    So how’s that statism working out for you again, Mister Mayor?

  2. Winmag says:

    So Mr. Mayor, let me see if I understand this . The government can put someone on a watch list/no fly list for whatever reason they determine to be valid. The simple fact of being on that list automatically cancels selected civil liberties enumerated in the Bill of Rights. Is that what you are saying? Why don’t you just streamline the process and have the government decide who has rights without having to go thru this whole “list” thing.

  3. BadIdeaGuy says:

    If you remember when Ted Kennedy was on the no-fly list, it was kind of funny but concerning because there’s no transparency about it. With the Obama DHS labeling everyone who doesn’t like gun control or big government people who don’t like the UN or a world government as domestic extremists, I don’t like the idea. They were itching to identify the times square bomber as a TEA partier or talk radio fan, too.

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