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Daily Archives: February 15, 2010
From a Co-worker (who heard it from a friend): When life hands you lemons, you make lemonade. Then you sell the lemonade for a profit and use that profit to buy an assault rifle. Then you are ready if life … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
The Daily show does like to pick on the GOP
But they do occasionally hit gold. Video like this makes it hard to think that the GOP is serious about fiscal responsibility. It’s like listening to Democrats talk about freedom and choice while discussing laws to outlaw fats and smoking
Posted in Uncategorized
RNS Quote of the Day: 02/15/10
You are the enemy. At least accoring to this POS The article goes on to say that the teabaggers were outraged by the depiction, and Marvel has since apologized saying they did not intentionally target the group. I’m not sure … Continue reading
It isn’t just a good place for well built Norse women and good brews
I knew there was another reason I liked ReykjavÃk On Tuesday, the Icelandic parliament is expected to introduce a measure aimed at making the country an international center for investigative journalism publishing, by passing the strongest combination of source protection, … Continue reading
Posted in Evil walks the earth
A fool and his mind
Are so easily parted. It seems that all it took for this guy is a demand for respect of a religion. The idea of children being allowed to carry knives while at school sounds like a red rag to a … Continue reading
Posted in Dare To Be Stupid, Useful Idiots
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Looks like the same color
As the UN helmets. To me, anyway.
Posted in Freaks, Mutants, and Morons
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