A fool and his mind

Are so easily parted.

It seems that all it took for this guy is a demand for respect of a religion.

The idea of children being allowed to carry knives while at school sounds like a red rag to a bull. But that is what Sir Mota Singh QC, Britain’s first Asian judge, who is now retired, says should be allowed. Not any old knife – but the ceremonial dagger known as the Kirpan.

The Kirpan is one of five “articles of faith” which also include Kesh (unshorn hair) and Kara (steel bangle) that are worn by practising Sikhs.

Given the UK’s well-publicised problem with knife crime, his suggestion is controversial. It raises the question of how far society should “bend the rules” to accommodate people who wish to practise a religion.

The answer to that question is “None”.

One law to rule them all. Otherwise, you end up with, well, modern day Britain.

Of course, the only reason they’ve ended up like that is because they keep asking this question

So, how much freedom should people have to live the way they want to live?

And because their answer isn’t “Every Single Ounce of Freedom”, they’re fucked.

Found via CCinZ

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